

life 44
This is a story of what has happened and in the event I fail myself in the end, someone will understand my pain.
Being someone who has always been able to fix just about anything I took little effort in appreciating anything...failure I know...
Come to find out there are some things in life you just can't fix...that's the hardest thing to live with.
Always leading by example I have fallen from grace, allowing myself to become so prideful and arrogant I have failed to see the damage being done by the people closest to me, enabling my enemies to get even closer without detection.
Loyalty is a Dead art for suckered who still believe pride is useful, winners have statice and losers have pride and that's just how the world works.
Never allowing myself to be in a state of feeling sorry for myself I accept responsibility for my actions and my true intentions.
Being told I've been crazy my whole life I often wondered what set myself apart from everyone else...
Age is a funny thing it does not mature us, it only gives us an opportunity to see the errors of our ways.. and for that I know it's only a matter of time before all the Ill intent that has been forced upon me by people who have not the strength to take me out nor do they have the balls to come at me alone, so I learned to count at an early age knowing the numbers will only continue to grow.
Using dark arts and spiritual attacks is their only way of standing a chance as it seems to become a common practice of cowards.
My legacy stolen left to rot in a cell if confusion and pain I stand my ground knowing without me they are NOTHING.
On some level...you're welcome.
Say what you want about me but don't you ever forget I Am the only reason you existed at all.
Play your games because I will move on without you as I am the one with the gift of abundance.
I never needed any of you and it's taken me so long to realize that I only have to do what I do to make it in this world and so when we ever cross paths again...
You Bow before me knowing your still the waste of flesh God intended you to be...
Thank you for making me what I am...
Better than YOU.