

joy of mine heart
Date: Sep 12, 2021
Subject: joy in mine heart

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it was a beautiful morning,the sun was shining the demostic animals in emaka's compound was outiside straighting theirsleves.
that come to happen that emaka was very sick and wanted help in that movement of period,oo my God what happened to me he was down the floor crueling like a snake that needs escape from trape.

emaka was suffering from stomach pains.
as a man he tried never to give up.
so luckyly a friend came in to visit him and he saw emaka in that condition,"ooo sorry I would have help but no chance now I want to see my friend outside their side now please be strong" ,in that moment emaka tried to beg him to help just recharge his phone so that he can call anybody he knows that can help him that moment,but he left with urgently moves.

"ooo am dieing"emaka said slowly as a secret whisper show!

it was 1hours after the friend left.
a friend who was a emaka's friend in school came and saw him in that condition,ooo what happened?
she ask emaka and he answered,"am-----mmm fin---eee"strogling with his voices!
well I will be going but this one you are in a point to die nal",I hope you will dead and then your people you always said the have money will cook good quality rice for me to eat",she laughed😃😃😃😃 and said again" so what of that poor smilling girl you do walk around in the school as if you guys don't have are this scalar quantity
well let me live this smilling house.
she left and still emaka was still struggling to gain herself,well but since emaka know the smilling girl he has never told her where he is living and working,even to come to her house, because there where only a casual friends.
and more over here place to emaka's house was far and like 2miles.
but with that she went on asking other friends where he can see emaka and behold she was directed to his house and when she reach, the neighborhood was empty and she was baffled if is true that emaka friends directed her to the right place,so she tried enter inside and she saw the first person and ask "please sir do you know emaka that lives in this compound?
that neighbor look at her with evil and angryly mood and left.
the second neighbor,she ask again",she was very very in a good stand to tell her but the Little girl was trying to show her the door ,emaka lives the mother came out and beat her up to get inside the house just because the hate emaka in that compound just with nothing emaka did to them,ooooo that is very bad"she thought this emaka that he knows that people outside are rating that as a humble and good life,that this guy would be a wolf in his compound?
still she was not able to go out without seeing emaka,she then look at the direction the girl wanted to show her,behold it was only one house there,she then walk to it and knock on it,and nobody came out like serval times she was tired and then wanted to go out,hmmm this is very stressful ooo I will go and here I don't even have a complete transport to the house and I will pay here and then reach half way then use my natural Benz🙄😃😃😃,she said.

immediately she wanted to go she heard a shout "please help ",she then rush in the house and there emaka has fented and it was very very odoriferous every place was packed close with bad smill.she carried emaka to the hospital with her last transport and the doctor said he needs 50k to save his life this day for after this day he will die she then cried without mining that emaka his just a school friend she walk from the hospital to her house back pleading the parent for 30k when she know the condition of her house and the parent pity her story about the innocent boy and give out 60k and that was the money the had in the house,ooojesus mama you give me this to treat emaka,??
she cried and the mother said please dearie go and save him please I and your father will see how we can do for food so that your little brothers will eat.
so she whent to hospital and gave it to the doctor and then he was healed and the emaka was to discharge from the hospital on that day he recover,the smilling girl and the family came to see the boy they gave money to save.
then in that process the boys parent who where at London came to see the rummor they heard about their son in Nigeria that the bad neighbor call them and talk,"ooo my son is this you"the parent cried and ask emaka?

then emaka said "is me mum,the father said come let me feel you my only son and inheritance,then the girl knew that emaka was the only son of the man in front of her,the both family cried and and emaka said dad mum,she and the family help me to see this day with the grace and mercy of god,the rich man said you mean this old man and woman?? save you??
he said yes dad,she and the family risk to give the doctor all the money the save for 2years for me to live today,"
ooo my dear people you are indeed a good family,what can I do now oooo,
he then said come to my house let's us see what we can do for you specially.

and behold it was that same compound emaka was living when the neighbors saw this man and the wife and emaka the were flabbergasted and they were q11 out for the next short part two,what happen to the smiling girl and the parent same. 😃😃😃😃😃😍😍if you want to know more the ask for I will give it to you😍😃😃😃😃😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰.


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