

Today Great Day Gautama Buddha Jayanti
Today Great Day Everyone, Gautama Buddha Jayanti Siddhartha Gautama , The Lord Buddha was born in 623BC Avatar of Vishnu in the famous garden of Lumbini which soon became a place of Pilgrimage among the Pilgrims was the indian Emperor Ashoka , who erected one his commemortative inscribed Ashoka Pillar There The inscription on the Pillar is the oldest in Nepal, An important Site for the history lovers and Buddhist, the Site is one of the most Visited in Nepal, Bodhi Tree Lumbini is a Tree Covered in Prayer flags Situated just beside, the pond People come here to make Wishes in hope of theme becoming true they tie a flag around the tree per wish The place is Very Peaceful and People generally do meditation There. Mayadevi pond Situation inside the Maya Devi Temple is the place where Buddha's mother used to take bath before giving him birth , it is also Believed that the first bath of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.
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