

More Madness than a Poem
Adflaw looked up at the night. Above her she saw her ceiling of faraway constellations and galaxies." I am the River," she said.
"Adflaw please continue your task, twenty one thin stacks burgers for the drive thru window." A speaker said from which she was secretly monitored by the manager and owner occasionally.
She was Ninety nine years old however she took rejuvenating pills meant to treat diabetics and stopped ageing since thirty five years old.
Here you go she said and accepted the fifty dollar bill."On your way now, the thin stacks burgers come with an adult comic book and a kids one if have children."
He drove away and began munching his burgers. 'I love burgers he thought.'
He handed three each to his various wives. "We're anti social his legal spouse told him."
She played a song on her Radio earbuds. Then the woman all gave each other a kiss.
He kissed his legal spouse, missed a curve in the mountain road and rolled five hundred feet into the forest. "Get the survival packs," he told the women.
They all laughed and enjoyed the camping trip. " Jesus will return tomorrow," LaGoveah
said to them." He's travelling from the Revelation city , the moon."
DeBreeze laughed. "Stop blaspheming."
" Hypnos please help this family of mine survive here in the God forsaken woods." She felt a sensation , a good feeling while invoking Her Creator Being,"
Two of the ladies shared a tent. The legally married couple shared another tent. They went to sleep after looking up some convenience store Bacon.
" I miss Utah!" One of the ladies said.
" Hush," her sister wife told her. " We'll be back on the road tommorow.
In the morning they all went to the hot springs to relax in them.
Adflaw finished mopping and cleaning and turned the light out. She saw an Angel of Death in the mirror , it said," Many people are alive due to the medical industry. Your one of them!" The Angel said to her.
" So what?" she replied to the Angel of death.


© Ruben Daniel Ophorst-Kooistra