

The secrets
chapter 8
Hussain looked at him strangely.
" You can't kill non living things.Don't stench our family name with stupidity.You are going to the US to make a name.I hope it's not to be known as an idiot! We will get you a new car or even better, a SUV for your future family.Why don't you see the good fortune Allah has sent your way! Pessimistic boy, just like his dad!Can never see the big picture.."Hussain went on grumbling.
Armaan almost gave up arguing.He took a deep breath and then indicating to his grandfather that he desperately wants to talk he started off," Uppapa,I don't know anything about her.All I know is she and her friends were travelling to a hotel called Dreams.I didn't even know her name till she introduced herself to you.She might already be having a boyfriend.I was planning to call the cops!!"
"She's such a cautious girl,not believing strangers like you and trusting an honorable old man like me to tell about herself.Very good. What boyfriend will leave her in your hands and run away??Where are her friends? Maybe she was forced to travel with them.They abandoned her.But Allah collided your destiny with hers,even with ours.So don't brush away this encounter,my boy."
© Aadi