

caught in the in between (part 1)
The diamond necklace on the mannequin looked familiar.

She placed her palm on the window that separated them and leaned in closer.

"Wow that necklace looks just like mine. It even has the same missing link towards the end of the necklace were it connects. How can this be".

She went into the pawn shop to try to get a sales associate to let her see the necklace, so she can get a better look.

She walked up to the counter thinking negatively as to why her necklace is on a mannequin in a pawn shop.

"Did my husband sell my necklace because he had some kind of bet that he lost from his gambling issue".

Many possible scenarios were running through her mind.

As she approached the sales associate, a lady walks up towards her violating her personal space.

I guess to get her attention.

She looked at the lady, and the lady was smiling at her, as if she knew her, and hadn't seen her in a while.

She asked, "Can I help you"?

The lady looked at her with a long stare as she finally spoke, and said,

"They won't be able to hear you.

You're just wasting your time".

She was filled with anxiety as she heard the comment from the lady that came out of nowhere.

She was clueless as to why this lady was saying such a thing.

She turned her head away from the lady and continued to try and communicate with the sales associate.

The associate was checking out a customer.
She interrupted and said,

"Hey where did you get that necklace that's on the mannequin in the window"?

The lady was still in her personal space staring at her, smiling as the associate completely ignored her.

She had tried one more time to get his attention.

"Hey Im speaking to you can you hear me?

Where did the necklace come from?

When did you get it?

The sales associate again ignored her as if she wasn't there.

This time she walked up and put her hand on the customer to say,

"Hey can you hear me"!...

She realized that her hand was literally inside of his body, as if it was going right through him.

She jumped back in fear, took a deep breath, and looked at the lady and asked,
"What's going on"?
The lady looked at her and replied,

"It's okay.
It takes time to settle in, but you have passed away, and you are in the in between.

The reason why you are still here is because there is unfinished business that you have to take care of.

You have to go back to the place where you lived and figure out who is responsible for your death.

She started to cry and got real emotional.

The lady walked up to her to comfort her and she said,

"It's okay.

Once you do this you'll be able to go back home, but you have to do this.

You have to have peace, and there is Justice to be served to the one who did this to you.

She finally came to grip with the situation.

She looked at the lady as she sighed and said,

"Who are you"?

The lady replied I'm a friend.

I've been watching you since you were a little girl.

I'm here to help you find your way back home.

Stay tuned four part 2 caught in the in between....

© Chris Gonzales