

Warrior of Vistia -Part 3
"Why do you always fail? Do you enjoy hurting your mother? Do you have any idea how I feel when my friends tell me about their children's good grades? No one does so bad at school as you do. You aren't even good at sports or arts or anything. What did I do to deserve this? On top of all that, your teacher complained that you bully other kids. You pushed a girl from the stairs and fractured her arm." Lia's mom said while she held her arm tighly.
"But she started it, I was just defending myself." Lia said.
"I don't know what she did, were you trying to murder her or what? Who pushes children from stairs? You are old enough to know someone could get hurt very badly and even die." Her mom shouted at her.
"She's not a child, she's the same age as me. You don't know what she did to me, do you? You don't even care." Lia said.
"Alright tell me. What did she do to you that made it ok for you to hurt her. " Lia's mother asked as she let go of her arm and sat down.
As Lia tried to remember the incident, tears rolled down her cheeks. She could not say a word.
"Go on, I'm listening. Now why don't you tell me what she did?" her mother said.
Lia continued to cry. "You've got nothing to say do you? Because she did nothing. She's a top student and you are always jealous of her, isn't that right? That is what your teacher told me. If she did anything to you, your teacher would have told me about it. Or is it that eveyone is lying, just to make your life miserable? I doubt that. It's time for me to teach you a lesson." she went out of the room.
Lia ran and hid under her bed and closed her eyes. She felt someone pulling her leg and dragging her out of the bed. She kept her eyes closed. Her mother started to hit her with a stick over and over again.
Lia woke up screaming. She found herself in big a soft bed. It was only a dream. She was too nervous to sleep. She went outside in the garden for a walk. Why save the world she wondered. There was no one she cared for or cared for her. All people do is hurt each other. Perhaps, it won't be so bad if the world gets destroyed and a new, better world is built. She sat on a bench. The moon was shining brightly, it looked brighter than it did on earth. The stars were sparkling in the dark blue sky. Owls were hooting. A mouse was eating an apple fallen in the ground. It reminded her of the pet rabbit she had when she was younger. Her great grandmother gave it to her as a gift on her 1st birthday. Lia loved her great grandmother. She died 2 years ago. Leaving her all alone. She named her rabbit Tilly. They grew up together. She loved no one more than Tilly. They played, ate and slept together. Lia used to take Tilly with her her to the rabbit park. They played with other rabbits and Lia had made quite a few human friends in the park. After Tilly died of old age, she stopped going to the park and lost contact with her friends. She did not want to talk to them because they reminded her of Tilly and that made her very sad. A friend who was an year younger than her tried to meet her at her home, but she asked her mother to tell her that she doesn't live there. Lia realised that she was partly responsible for her misery. Not everybody hates her. Perhaps even her parents don't completely hate her. Maybe they hurt her because they care for her and don't know how to help her without hurting her. Her parents always told her that they hurt her because they love her and want her to be a good girl. Maybe they love her, or maybe they are supposed to love her but can not and so they lie to convince themselves that they are good parents. She did not know how they truly felt about her. All she wanted was her parents to stop hitting her and listen to her, which was impossible because Lia had trouble putting her thoughts into words. Lia went deep into thought as she lay down on the bench and closed her eyes.
"W..wake up please" Lia heard a soft voice. She rolled to the other side.
She felt a gentle touch "If you don't wake up, you'll be late for your training."
"Just 5 more minutes. Then I'll wake up I promise." Lia mumbled.
Exactly after 5 minutes she heard another gentle"wake up, you're getting late."
"Oh please just give me 2 more minutes. I hardly got to sleep today." Lia mumbled.
"IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP. RISE AND SHINE. GOOD MORNING. WAKE UP...." Rin shouted through a loudspeaker.
"Ok, Ok I'm waking up now. You're giving me a headache. Stop already.
"...and that's how you wake up someone." Rin said with an evil smile.
"No, that is not how you wake up someone. Tin did a much better job." Lia said grumpily.
Rin laughed sarcastically "if I let my little brother wake you up, you would be sleeping till noon."
"I wish I could sleep till noon. Sometimes I wish I could sleep forever and ever and never wake up." Lia stretched her arms and yawned. "What! You want to die?" Tin asked
"Off course not, I just want to sleep and go into the world of happy dreams. By the way you guys are twins aren't you? Then how is Rin older?" Lia said.
"But I'm the older one." Tin said.
"You're mistaken little brother, I was born exactly 1 minute before you and that is why I'm older than you. " Rin said
"Why don't you just ask your mom?" Lia said
"Because immortal people don't have parents. We are born from eternal flowers which bloom deep in the Vistia forest. The flowers had been planted a long time ago and once in every 10 millenia, a flower blooms and an immortal emerges from it. I came out before Tin. I'm sure of it. I waited for him" Rin explained.
"But it was I who waited. And that reminds me, it's almost time for a new flower to bloom I wonder who our new friend will be. Let's take Lia there too" Tin said.
"Alright then, get ready. You shall be have your breakfast with your trainer." Rin said.
. . .to be continued
#Part 3
#child abuse

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