

slow down a bit!
we all have been rushing recently at some extant to get our daily tasks done at the expense of our mental peace.We tend to glorify being being busy all the time.We used to be in a hurry from the early morning of a day up to bed time. Our life has turned into a marathon not only with people around but with the time itself as well. we have become seriously physically and emotionally drained . Therefore , slow living lifestyle is a great option to switch the routine a bit with .Many people claim that to live slowly , it is always linked to live isolated away from people in a rural cottage peacefully.But i wanna clearify this point so that we all can embrace that amazing lifestyle in our life with a modern routine .
we all are able to slow down throughstarting appreciating nothing but the present moment as if it was our last moment on earh.To live slowly , means to enjoy the daily simple repeated details with gratitude.for instance, feeling thankful each day to the sunrise , sunset, the smell of coffe in the morning , walking in nature.....and the list still long.
living slowly in towns can be also seen through giving a ME time a space in our full scheduals as if it is a priority .whether through reflecting a bit , writing what is roaming in minds, meditation , reading a bundle pages of an uplifting book or even exercising.
we are worth it to have a great life through slowing down a bit.
start from now to have a blessed time and an enjoyable life❤🌼
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