

Elie's thoughts killed Nita's Heart
Elie put the glass to his lips
And yelled I can not bear the
thought of it.

Then the past is his present
He thinks back
To how he can improve
life with his 3d creation.

He's at the computer changing
his plan, then he comes up
with the answer.
A plastic foam exerciser
which helps keep you in
So you can live longer
But the company laughed
at his idea.
Then two weeks later
He changed it to a tool
to get car doors open.
Oh this was bad cause
the wrong people where
opening the car doors
An he made money
but his car got stolen
and selling his product
on the streets, became
his life.
So it was not right
cause he did not
make much but what
he did make had him
standing in the water
Of the rain which had
Him wet Nita
His girlfriend leaves her
apt. to pick him up.
But when she gets to where
he told her to be.
He was not there and
she dials his phonenumber
and she hears a ringing sound
in the alley

She walks towards it and she finds him dead. With a note
on him. And she calls the police
but there was a camera in that
alley. They find out that he
met two men and one give him
money. Then the other hit him
with the invention.
So his girlfriend Sees this on the cop camera and falls to the ground no.
So back to the present time
Elie looks down from heaven
Dinking his water , Oh I can
not bear the thought of her
sadness as I am not around
her anymore.
I wish I never invented the
invention which has gotten
me killed.
So he gets out of his chair
and goes behind the doors
in thee heavens. while the
winds rage an rains down