

10. Disappear
Mia's P.O.V

It has been a week since Donte walked in on me and Dimitri aka his dad making out he hasn't spoken to me since then and his brothers aren't speaking with me anymore.

I think they are angry with me. I bet they find it disrespectful. I should have never let Dimitri manipulate me. He also hasn't spoken to me since that day. Like I care, I do care if I'm being honest I feel hurt he kisses me then he stops talking to me.

I can't take this anymore. I feel so guilty Donte got me through all the hard times over the years and I betrayed him. I would leave the supernatural worlds tonight before my dad and brothers return.

I would get the stone of Zarous; it's a hiding stone anyone who possesses it is untraceable.

I have already packed a small bag. It should work perfectly. I would visit mom and take some of my old things from there. I know I can't stay there because it would be the first place they check I would go to somewhere far away.

I can't be here right now. I would return to the human world and hide somewhere for a couple months or so. I need a break from all this.

I gathered my stuff and went and took a seat on my bed. I took the stone out and slipped the stone on my necklace and I got a book and pencil. I took out a page and started to write my letter because. I can't text it would just be stupid I would get caught and I don't want that.

If you are reading this letter that means I am already gone. I plan on returning in a month or so but I don't really know when I'll return home. I know you guys are going to be upset that I leave but I'm honestly tired of all this drama.

Dad I know you would want to know exactly why. I left so I would tell you. I fell in love with Dimitri and I know you wanted me to be with him but I am afraid I can't so I am going away until my feelings for him are gone . Maybe it might take a little longer than a month but I can't love him.

I'm sorry I can't do this to Donte he was there for me all the time sometimes. I felt like killing myself but he always made me smile. He's my family, my best friend and the way he looked at me when he saw me making out with his father. Dad, it broke my heart. I don't want him to hate me and I know if I love Dimitri he would hate me.

I love him and he loves me but I know I broke his heart when I kissed his father and the thing that hurts me most is that I didn't regret kissing Dimitri.

Tell Donte I said I'm sorry and I hope he can take me back as his best friend one day. Tell Malic and Will I love them also I love you to dad.

It's all my fault I should have never let Dimitri manipulate me into kissing him.

I sat on my bed and started crying. I feel so hurt because I remember the hurt in Donte's eyes when he saw me making out with his father. I don't know why. I kissed him back or why. I feel this way about him but I need to get away from him.

I took my stuff and got ready to leave this world. I know my father would hurt when I leave but I'm coming back so he should just let me be.

I placed the letter on the table next to my bed and then I teleported to the human world so goodbye to the supernatural world.

"Mia where are you going?" asked Perl

"Oh to this country in the wolf's kingdom"I lied.

"Do you want me to organize a private Jet to take you there"

"No I have already ask Neolan to organize one for me"

"Oh well I was just came to tell you your father and brothers would be returning earlier than expected they would returned tomorrow I know you have a very, very long ride ahead of you so I would leave you"

"Yes goodbye Perl"

"Mia wait why not teleport there instead your father says it's important to use your abilities as much as possible because the more you use them the more natural it feels and congratulations on developing all your powers"

"Thanks Perl and goodbye"I then teleported out of the supernatural world, goodbye supernatural world.

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