

Wings of Reckoning - Chapter Five: "Gathering"

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"So, Narcissa, can you call 'Narcy' because of we're going to be marry?," Kass asked while they are eating salads and their cream of mushrooms soups at the Royal dining table.

"I always thought 'Narcy' was mediocre," Narcissa answered with a disgusted look.

"I am sorry that I didn't mean to resulted you like that," exclaimed Kass, when he spurred the some some soup with his spoon.

"I would rather to perfer to be call 'Narcissa'."

"Narcissa, what you are into? What's your hobbies are?," he asked with curiosity.

"Well, I am into politics, fashions, jewelry and shopping. I like to design things," she answered. Narcissa is poking the spinach in her salad.

"Our little honey bee is an architect," Ramond replied. "She designed machines for Minervana." He's referring to Narcissa when he kneeled back his chair.

"I like to read. I want to travel place. I also am into Alchemy," said Kass, when he dunked his bread in the soup.

"Ahh, Alchemy," said Viktor, Narcissa's oldest brother. "Are you familiar with the Philsopher's Stone?" He's sitting aside with his brother Zacharas.

"Yeah, I had heard of it, " Kass answered then he explained: "People had believed that it can granted them eternal life when the stone gets grounds up and made into an elixir." He lifted his bowl and drinks the the remaining of the soup.

"Most people had claimed that they had believed the Philsopher's Stones are the dragons' hearts," said Viktor. They said that the Dragon's heart has contained dragonessenses and dragonessenses can grants people immortality."

Rori got disturbed when they was talking about it while she is pouring the Minervanian King's and Queen's wine glasses then a boy with black hair that's the same age of her and Kass that has turned to be Narcissa's youngest brother Jarrell. Jarrell has finds her very attractive with unawareness of she's a dragon, but she winded up ignoring him and walked passed him.

"People had believed that Dragon's blood was reclaiming to be the 'Elixir of Life," Kass added, "but they are paying the ultimate price for their lives if the they drinks Dragon's blood. Dragonessenses is very deadly to humans."

"Is that so?" Viktor asked with curiosity.

"If someone drinks Dragon's blood or eat any body parts, Dragonessense can crystallized a human body and turned them into a lifeless body of a grotesque ore."

"How you believes in this?"

"I read it in the books," Kass replied then he started to picking forks and eating his salad. "I had been studied their anatomy. Their bodies are way different than us. They made out of minerals that has found in rocks. Some of minerals can be harmful towards humans. Like sulfur and aluminum as for examples. Dragonessense is a combination of a mixture of minerals and some kind of spiritual energies that's hard to explained in their blood, but their blood is mostly made up of H20 like humans do but except Dragon's blood can glow with the Dragonessense. Besides, Dragonessense can crystallized a human into pieces of gemstones that looks like the dragon that they had slayed."

King Ramond decided to joined in on the conversation when he's drinking his wine and he says, "Boy, that's totally nonsense. There's no reports on my Minervanan workers are ending up to dying from being crystallized when they has been using the machines." He sipped his wine.

"Yes, well, there is no proof about it," said Kass.

"What proof about it?" asked Narcissa's second oldest brother Zacharas, he's kneeling his chair and crossing his arms.

"There are reports that sometimes a lot of machine break down and there are few accidents," said Kass.

"It's not true," Ramond said.


After they had finished soup and salads, the main course has arrived and it's a giant roasted snapper that served with herbed roasted potatoes, carrots, onions and other vegetables along with rice.

Grayson ended up to makes a toast to Kass then, This is for my little cousin is about to marry the most beautiful woman in the world." He looks at Narcissa and Narcissa blushed, but Kass found Narcissa isn't beautiful and he finds her very ugly with all that of ton of makeup. Rori even grossed out with Narcissa's appearances when she's standing next to her dad and the dragon servants.

Kass thinks the fish doesn't looks good to him. He thinks he would rather to have steak or ham or hen or even eggs that he love to eat, but he think he would save his stomach for dessert.

"Why you are not eating your dinner, my dear?" asked Kass's stepmother, while everyone are eating.

"I would rather to have a taste for farm animals, " Kass replied.

Narcissa and her family stared at him while they are eating the fish and vegetables.

Then Isabelia says, "We don't eat livestock, because we think they are bad for environment."

"Cows and pigs are disgusting animals," Narcissa said. "Chickens carries parasites. Goats are evil creatures that putted on earth."

But you have to feed them, right? That they give you milk," Rori said. "They must feed themselves too."

"I only drink almond milk, servant girl," Narcissa said.

" We lives in the city," Viktor said. "We engineers our food from harvesting plants."

When dessert arrived, it has turned out to be a giant bowl of trifle that layered with chocolate fudge cake, chocolate mousse, raspberries that covered fudge sauce, raspberry sauce and whipped sweet cream.

Kass was about to get a scoop of that delicious trifle, but Narcissa's chubby brother Rustiel has dumped all over his plate than Rustiel spooned into his mouth.

This had left Kass speechless because of it.


After dinner, everyone went to their guest rooms except two kings are staying in the hallway in front of Kass and they are in their guest rooms.

"Nickolas, your son is a big, huge disgrace to my family," Ramond yondered at Kass's father by pointing the finger on Kass. "He embarrassed everyone in front of my family!" He marched out.

Nickolas slacked his son across his face on the left side of then yelled, "Kasander, What the heck what's wrong with you?! Show your damn matters and you should eat with them than making a damn fool out of yourself."

"I just was having a conversation, but they freaked over stupid things," Kass lashed out.

"Narcissa's family are freaking our guests. Show some respect," King said angrily. "You are going to be king and Narcissa is going to be your Queen. She is going to here for long time."

"I am not going to get marry to that ugly bitch!!!," Kass fired back. "Her family is a bunch of freaks!!!"

"You are going to get marry Narcissa if you don't like it or not!!!," Nickolas yelled at Kass and he's about to slap on the right side of his face, but Corvin came out of the hallway and he grabbed the King's left hand with his right hand then Corvin's hand transformed into a black scaled talon.

"If you'll lay down on your boy again, I will never do services with you again. You have another dragon for a replacement," Corvin has threatened the king.

Kass started to crying and ran down the hallway into his laboratory.


When Kass entered his laboratory, he heard a female voice but it isn't Rori. It's Narcissa's.

She says, "So this is where you did experiments, huh?" She's siting on his desk and wearing nothing but a white lace corset that shows partially of her bosoms and white laced leggings with an opened white night gown slip. Her hair is down in curls.

"What you are doing here?" Kass asked with discomfort.

"Your cousin told me that you like to studying and doing experiments in here at nighttime," Narcissa answered. "I am sorry about my behavior over dinner. I am not really used to this environment."

He takes a breath then says, "Well, you have to get used to eating meats if you want to become queen. Farm animals aren't bad."

"Okay," she said when she jumped off the desk and walked up to Kass, but her bosoms was almost shoved up against Kass's face. "Maybe you will take me on a tour to the city tomorrow, 'my future dear husband'."

"Probably my friend Rori will be our guide."

"Who's Rori?," she asked.

"She's the raven-haired 'servant girl' who had served us with drinks at dinner," Kass answered.

"Oh, that one," she recalled then turned to the door. "Okay, See ya then." Narcissa walked out of the door and shut the door behind him.

"That was awkward," Kass stood there and thought in speechlessly.