

A Brilliant student in the class recently doesn't pay attention to any boy who comes to her to be friend with him, she had only one girlfriend and her neighbor's son who lives near her called Abel Bulus. She only talks to the two of them in class. Her name is Emilie Steve and her girlfriend's name is Monica Johnson. Monica always tells her not to be like that because the students will think she is an arrogant girl.
"I don't care about what they say;"Emilie said
"If you don't care,I care. Are you a pretender?, Emilie you usually talk to other people outside the school right?;" Monica asked, they are standing on a corridor in an empty building in the school.
"No I do not, don't you trust me, if you don't slap me"
"I trust you, what are you saying?;" Monica asked rhetorically.
Another brilliant student in the same class with them was next after Emilie he is at the second position compare to Emilie who always takes first in class but sometimes he happens to be first position alongside Emilie which had made him always wonder why, He is Lawrence Anderson.
Emilie has a problem that no one knew about,she knew about the death of her father,he was stabbed in the stomach and she had seen the murderer's face but it was kept secret even to her mother because she would never believe her if she says it and it haunts her.
Lawrence's father is a lawyer and his mother owns a shop which she sells provisions, his dad is always in court. Though he likes Emilie very much and waiting for the time he and her will talk to each other.
Emilie walked to the class hurriedly and bumped into a student.
"sorry;"she said but the student didn't say anything, he only help her to gather her books that fell on the floor and dusted it for her.
"thank you;" she said and smiled at him and she left him,he looked at her as she goes.
Monica was sitting down inside the class reading a magazine.
"How was it there?;" she asked Emilie
"Lawrence shouldn't have helped you with the books but because of his honesty he had to do it;"
"I didn't send him"
"I know you didn't send him"
"I won't let him even help or talk to me, guys are fake,there are not real,the real ones are rare"
"You won't want his help because you are helpless and unfair"
"For real?,I will not be helpful and I don't want anybody to be helpful to me"
"Forget about that,let go home;" Monica said and they walked home.
The next day,Emilie and Monica had to meet with Abel,
"A very handsome boy for sure, I don't want him to stay in the sun and get himself dark;"Emilie said not watching her step in the stairway
"Lawrence is at your back,look around;"Monica told her
"Never mind...."she said but was interrupted by Monica's loud panic that she missed a step,she was going to fall but Lawrence hold her and Monica's mind was at ease.
"oh..thank you, I would have fall down and break my head;"Emilie thanked him.
"Lawrence thanks;"Monica said but his mind was not on that, it concern him and the smile Emilie has given him again.
He got home and slept on his bed and smiled,he laughed remembering when he had held Emilie from falling. The door opened and Lawrence's parent came in,they sat down
"Lawrence,what is making you so happy today?;"his father Mr. Matthew Anderson asked him
"It was good and bad;"he said
"What is wrong?, what do you mean?"
"The bad news is about life,the good news is about no one in particular"
"No one or Nothing in particular" he corrected "you're so funny".
Lawrence refuse to say it though,what he hope was that Emilie should notice him,he usually talk to Monica and her house is not very faraway from his home,he is the only son but he has an elder sister who was far older than him called Olivia who isn't with them.
Abel and Emilie entered the class together, Abel is holding her hand,Lawrence always see them and feel jealous, they met with Monica and they went to the library and he followed them.
"Can't see the stuff I'm made of"he thought "I'm not fitted".
The next day,A new student was brought to the class,she introduced herself as Ginika Micah,she is a minister's daughter and she likes Lawrence at first sight.
Lawrence was sick and didn't go to school,Emilie had talked to Lawrence a little.
"He has malaria" Monica told her
"I feel sorry for him, we should go and see him;" Emilie suggested. They went to visit him with Abel and Edward,Edward Gabriel is a friend to Abel.
Lawrence was told that they copy a lot of notes in school.
"I will help you to copy your note;"Emilie told him
"Thank you Emilie, I would love to be friend to you;"he said,he got up and entered his room,Abel was jealous of the little conversation between them.
Abel knocks at the door of Emilie's room,her mom was sleeping inside her own room. Abel is much welcome and they allow him to enter Emilie's room anytime.
"come in Abel;" Emilie said from inside.
"Emilie,Let go outside and help me to solve mathematics;" he said instead.
"I am coming;" she said and she went to meet him outside the house,he wasn't even holding a book, where the hell will she solve a maths question.