

Write a short story using at least three from the five prompts given:( the promts are marked as p1,2,3,4,5)
Its been 2 years straight i left the town working extending my career,never taking a break and before my promotion i was forced to take leave. I have had enough of work. I booked ticket for nearest travel place. I had my train day after tomorrow. I watched movies all the alone. I had no friends, no relations. I was all about me. Next day i went shopping.
In eve I decided to pack.I took out my suitcase i rarely use.(p1)"An empty suitcase full of memories." MEMORIES ALL ABOUT HIM. All about the place we went through, the houses we stayed,the letters he wrote to me.(p2)"The messages added salt to wounds."
Everything I remembered became fresh ,so lively that i am still living that life moving fast my memory lane.I thought... i thought all the reasons we can't be together. The reasons why i left him 2 years back. Damn he was possessive as hell I.. I still had them (p3)"A wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on." I loved them... loved them so much but was never allowed to wear them , if i did he will rip them outta my body throw them away and will forcefully do it. Do it itensionally so rough that i was hurting ... hurting to death. I thought exposing my body to hungry eyes was far better than being hunted in bed like a mice. I regretted so hard still... I still love him.
Everyday was a new mess with him. Everyday was new fight. Everyday was a new misunderstanding. He used to threaten me , beat me up like animals. I tolerated for my love for him , for sake of me. Nobody could tell he who is such a gentlemen would be so dark, so agressive when his insecurities, his fear ,his anger, his jealousy would take over him but damn still... still.. I MISSED HIM. I LOVE HIM.
I realized in the depths of memory I never moved on I just learned to live without him.Being busy was another clever trick of mine. I made myself so busy i forgot who i am, who was he. Thanks a lot to this suitcase i thought it brought back pain. And suddenly i was hit by a memory again. Again so bad it felt like a heavy bolt.
I remember it, fresh as it was just yesterday.We were happy for like brief I could see him changing but I guess something was off . He was frighten, behaving unusual. He neverstopped me again like I remember but he did have a problem with things I did but never told.
One of his favourite places was his couch and his bookshelf . The only time I see him happy for himself was when i bought him book to read but neither i did know(p4) "A dust free bookcase could hide a lot of lies." One fine day cleaning his books I found out uncensored pictures of him and other girl. It was like somebody killed me and mocked at me while i was losing my last breath. I stood in shock realising all my tolerance, all my patience was just for mere heartbreak. A heartbreak i never planned. EVERYTHING WAS A CLEAN LIE.
He came by , he stood in shock seeing pictures in my hand. I slapped him hard and went storming towards door he shouted for me to wait he wanted to explain, it was to late for him as i never came by i left the city and never came back. The last i saw him at street chasing me shouting madly, panicking. I can see something was wrong but who could lie about the pictures I never stop to see him, never bothered to say him goodbye.
(p5)"The car accelerated before the signal turned green." I NEVER LOOKED BACK AFTER THAT but this stupid suitcase. I was ready to leave all those behind, ready to over write the memories i left behind. I packed. It was early morning already. I ran all my errands. Taxi already waiting. I hurried , I reached station ,Checking in the train seat I saw a similar man covered up in tears like never before, a complete mess , destroyed. IT WAS HIM , HIM AFTER SO MANY YEARS. I turned so furious upon being cheated heading to leave.A hand stronger than ever before had my hand grasping tightly. He said in same arrogant voice,"Sit down,let me explain". He forcefully pushed me to my seat. He began ," How are you ? , How have you been ? I want to hear it all ..!!", stunned by his voice unable to speak i let out a mummer soft but furious," Do i have to tell these to the one who cheated me,played me like i was nobody".
For a sec I thought he would beat me up but he softly whispers a sorry to me ,tears still rolling out.
"I am seeing a thearapist i am behaving like you wanted, I MISSED YOU SO BAD. I was so confident within myself that nothing was wrong in me .You by my side made everything right and beautiful and effortless and thanks to you that after you left i saw myself the way you saw me and suffered for me. I never had courage to show up but fate is on my side i guess", He finished. "like i care", and i groaned he broke me again.. he always did this to me hurt me, tore me up, I felt like i was being raped sitting next to him remembering how he did it to me, feeling disgusted BUT still I was craving for his lips,his body. "WHY??", i shouted within me.
After a pause train running down through beautiful places he said," I know i made a mistake and i am really sorry but I don't know if at all i may speak to you again but the girl you saw on the picture was jealous of you being that rich and powerful women she did nothing was detroyed you. The years of badluck you faced was not becuase you were lame or of no worth but everything was planned. She was so furious that she paid men to lure around you, blocked your career path, I knew everything from start but i figured out that you won't believe me and although fake but she was the only one comforting you after our fights. Afterall she was your BESTFRIEND. She mentally tortured me made me behave like that. The fear of losing you made me a stray animal. She made me fear everything around you. Finally it became so worse, you silly were ready to live with me like that, this fact made her more crazy. She threaten me that she will tell everything she did and blame it on me and I will never see your face again. I was so frighten that you would believe her, i mean after so much violence who wouldn't and this way or that she placed the picture she took after she drugged me. I just agreed for a dinner i guess. After you were gone i had nothing left i reported her to police ,saw a therapist , missed you like never before.
I certainly was hit by my 6th sense, the uneasyness , the feeling was true, i wanted to die.. DIE SO BAD.
It was like my heart started beating but in the cost of my trust. He bent forward to kiss me ,a adrenaline rushed over me i believed my senses followed my heart trusted him again but with doubts. He never raised his voice, he made love with me. our bodies became one again but this time was nothing like before so soft so fragile. Everything has been different, changed for good i guess. We got married, we dream of kids my carrer got boosted its just like a dream.. a dream i never dreamed of before and if it is a dream i never want to be awake.