

stay away
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I stood up as blood leaked down my hands and ran threw my fingers I dropped the knife I stepped back hardly understanding what has happened I was warned once that my house was haunted I listened but I didn't reply but when the first shadow moved I knew I was in danger I begin to lose time I would wake up completely lost and often in strange places in the house. As I walked down the hall I began to see bloody feet prints so I slowly followed the prints walking down the hall I see that the prints came to a stop in front of my bathroom I slowly pushing the door I can feel the weight of something on the door but I continue to push I screamed oh no my beloved spot, spot was blooding and he was distressed I grabbed him and tryed to stop the blooding but It was to late my dog my best friend is gone all I can do was cry wondering why would I do such a thing to poor old spot I was so confused I took spot body and put it in a bag and I cleaned the mess in took a shower as I entered my kitchen I can see that things was moved in places I wouldn't move them I began to wonder do I have two personality or am I going crazy I been renting his house for three months now and if I haven't put a deposit down for a years time Iwould have moved already but now am trapped and every tortured day was a new moment of fear for me. i remembered that Joey my neighbors kid told me my house was haunted he was a practicing ghost hunter so I decided to call him over soon as he walked in he said I had a demon in my back room once again I listened but I didn't reply just as Joey start moving around the door bell rang it was my bff Kerry she is supposed to move in with me I was so relieved and I told Joey to come back later out of caution I told her what Joey said that there was a demon in the house since she chose the back room to sleep in.she laughed really hard I was so not surprised because I know that she's a non believer little time has passed and it happen really fast she began to change and she started doing mean in pointless to things to me she would put her cigarette out in my ice cream and put it back inside the freezer and she poured all my shampoo and conditioner all over the floor and the tub and toilet and I would often hear barking coming from her room.I usually leave early and one day I came home she was sitting at the table stirring down at her hands I called her name she didn't reply I screamed her name she started to shake her head was bobbing up and down her eyes rolled back I ran two the phone and call for help we arrived at the hospital and the nurse said she had a seizure. that was weird she have no history of seizures or any sicknesses so as I sat in the waiting area I began to realize that she was so dirty she was covered in something like ash or dirt I just sit wondering what that was apparently I was lost in thought because the doctor was standing right in front of me and I didn't even realize it the doctor have came to tell me Kerry was ok she had a seizure and she's still in intensive care and I can see her soon a hour almost passed when the nurse came and escorted me into her room when I bent over to hug her she whispered get out of that house. I jumped because I didn't even know she was wake I hugged and kissed her goodbye and I returned to the house as I walked in I can hear noises coming from the back room I walked back there slowly and turned the knob when I opened the door a little it slammed back closed i ran away I stood in the kitchen wondering what am gonna do just then I can hear feet steps coming down the hall my heart began to pound I was sure I was dead I couldn't move I couldn't screamed I just stood there hopeless and then I noticed nothing came around the corner I wanted to look but I was so scared I grabbed my purse and headed too the door that night I slept at the hospital and that's the safest I felt and months

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