

Mum,Your the laughter
Of the burning Sun !

Lightening was the sperm
That sprouted the first germ of life
In the primordial sea !

Mum sunshine
Fed me
Nurtured me !

Mum,Why did you give that hypocratic mask to rainbows? Mum,the first syllable you taught me
Had the prompt of a search !
It was like the rhythemic rise and fall of wings
Of a soaring bird,
To the abode of truth !

You have hidden in my heart
A pull that reached upto
The frontiers of galaxies !
You installed the rhythem
Of the milky way
To my throbing heart !

Mum you didn't tell me
Or show me my dad , The Truth !

You gave me wisdom
You gave me light
To search and find !

Dad, I realise you
As the cosmic force
That created
And sustain this universe !

You are time
You are love,
You are the God !

Let me know the secret That you have hidden in my life
Please clear the puzzle of
Your make and break !

Let days come and go
Ages and ages
To realise that
Dad, You are me
And I am you !

#WriteStoryPrompt50 #InternationalYogaDay
Write a story on how yoga helps to heal your mind, body, soul and connects people with the nature.

© Rajendran Thriveni