

My one year to Survive
True Story ....

The day I told my mother I wanted to go to two states away to get away from my step father and go stay with my real dad. I had been asking day after day to go live with my dad, my mom and step dad were not happy at all and did not want it to happen what so ever. Well one morning they were both standing in the kitchen looking at me weired, I asked "what's going on" , she then told me she got me a plane ticket . Rite then it all hit me hard.
When I was told I would be getting on two airplanes by myself at the age of 12, I was scared and excited at the same time but also sad I left my mom. I knew after I got onto the plane everything was happening. So what did I do next? I went a few hours on a couple airplanes and when I had seen my dad standing there it was a huge relief. After I got comfy at my dad's house everything was strange, I was sad. But not sad I was able to be with my dad, I was sad to have left my mother. A few weeks had gone by and next thing I know my dad says we have to stay with his friend and after that friend we had to go to three others. Sleeping couch to couch to get sleep just to wake up and survive for the day, I had been to at least four houses within 4 months . Then the real stress starts.
My father had been awake day and night , until I finally caught on that he was doing some kind of drug. After he lied to me several times I finally caught him in the act and he was worried I would leave. I begged him to stop using because I want to have a dad to grow up with . I went through houses with gangs, drugs, and homeless people everywhere so I learned from every single event that occurred in my life that one year .
After having the daughter talk with my father he then relised I was rite just when it was too late. See when I had jumped house to house with him I missed alot , like alot of school . There were school officers and Child Protection Services looking for me and my dad . He was scared if I went that I would be taken and put in a foster home forever.
My father and I thought we were safe and that it was me and him verses the world. Well we didn't know better, One ordinary day we get a knalk at the door. With what beholds two officers and a CPS worker . They were there for us , they immediately checked that home that we were in and saw there was no food, there was no water and worst of all the living conditions were bad . So they took me and put me in a foster home . So at that point I'm in a foster home and I am scared, sad and worried. Everything was okay for awhile I would see my dad once in awhile but in the end of everything I got to go back to my mom where I was more mature and much more appreciative for everything I had. Including my father. The End
© SavageQueen