

The North Evergreens: 8
Hey hey hey, check out my new story cover! And also, if you haven't read the past stories of The North Evergreens, please do. Thank you.

Everyone stopped. Nobody saw the well.
"Where is it?" - asked Ducya.
"Don't you remember?" - Evelina pushed her - "In the movie 'Coralina' the girl was standing on it. It was also surrounded by a fairy ring."
"Exactly." - said Dequisa - "So if we just brush these leaves away..."
Dequisa knelt down and brushed her hand across the ground. Then she touched something soggy and soft.
"Found it. And I better get off, the wood is old and mossy."
She brushed the rest away. Several bugs ran from the lid of the well.
"Aah! Ew ew ew!" - Anya screamed and went backwards, because the bugs were going towards her. Suddenly she tripped.
"Aah! What the flip was that?"
She quickly stood up and brushed the dirt off her sweatshirt. There was an iron bucket, all rusty and broken, some poles and a rope.
"So that's what they used." - said Evan and picked up the bucket - "I wonder, who actually used it. I'm gonna keep this." - he took the rope and tied it to the bucket.
"And now, the grand moment you all have been waiting so long for!" - said Dequisa - "We shall open the Well of Secrets!"
Her hand slowly reached for the handle. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the lid... She touched the rusty iron, curved her fingers around the ring,
pulled the handle...
"Oh, dang! Dang, dang, dang!"
Dequisa stood there, kicking the lid as if it was her biggest enemy.
"Its locked?" - asked Ducya.
"Of course! Can't you see?" - Dequisa continued her talk with the well.
"Here, take my knife and break the lid with it." - said Sabrina.
"Oh... Right. You're big brain."
Dequisa took the knife and swung it above her head. She stabbed the wood. Magically, the knife broke, while the old, soggy wooden lid didn't loose a splinter. Dequisa looked in shock.
"Well, this is waaaay above my magic skills. Like, I'm on level 2 and this Well of Secrets is level 100 sorcerer."
"I think it's not the well itself, probably someone did this." - said Evergreen Jr. - "I wonder who..."
Everyone was standing in shock. Especially Sabrina. It was her favorite knife.
The sun was setting, so the band rushed back to the old abandoned orphanage. Evan sat, examining the bucket, some of the teens were sleeping, some were still talking. And Evergreen Jr. thought about the cursed Well of Secrets.

© Evergreen (red converse)