

The Woodcutter and the Kind traveller
A woodcutter was chopping down trees on the bank of a river.His hands were so wet with sweat that he lost his grip and he got his index and middle finger cut.A loud sound of crying was heard in the whole forest.His hand was bleeding,there was no one around.It was getting dark,wolves were howling,the woodcutter was frightened.He started shouting,"Help!Help!I am bleeding.Please help!" But no one came.
Later,there was a traveller passing near the forest.He heard the woodcutter's cries in pain.He followed the voice and saw the woodcutter bleeding and crying in pain.The traveller calmed him down.After calming him down,he took out some spices from his bag and a handmade beater.The woodcutter was confused and asked him,"Why are you taking out all this stuff?" On hearing that the traveller replied,"Brother,I am an ayurvedic doctor.These spices will be applied on the wound and you will get better as soon as the ingredients start working on your body."The woodcutter smiled and then the traveller made a medicine made out of Tulsi and applied on the woundmThe traveller also helped him reach his home.
The woodcutter then thanked the traveller and also gave him a night stay at his home.In 2-3 weeks,he got better and continued his woodcutting.
© meenal