

Dear Heart Beat

To be honest at times I feel indulging in a battle of hearts which do have some recipes over the love affairs. I am such a soul who is blessed to have you in my life. Texting and communicating without speaking might be others doing too but the way we read eyes of each other and connect without uttering an alphabet is extreme level. Why I ask you to show me your body is that I miss it. I just want to witness your beauty and beyond that I shall not fall prey to anyone else's. I must have not said so but I love u like hell. And I just want u to be comfortable in all ways. Trust me I won't regret whole my life to keep loving you deep hidden inside my heart. You will be alive always till you want and beyond that staying inside my mind, heart and body. Your first touch till our last touch will cherish and bloom the same way it was then. I will keep our memos alive till my last breath.

**To be continued

Yours Lovingly
Arteries, Veins & Chambers
© Paricha24