

Own Opinion!
I really don't understand why people always depend on others opinions😑.They don't have their own opinion or what??🙄...I just hate it 😓..Someone comes and throws their opinion on you and you just take it...what the hell..😤... What is wrong with you...? You really don't think about it at least once🤔 before taking that decision and it's really your madness🤐..It sometimes not only effects you but also the people around you😔...There might be a situation that others have suggested something..because of their own experience,knowledge or whatever...May be it is right for them🙂 but not you...You really don't have to go in their way...The decisions you make like this might workout😎 in some of the cases..but not always😐....And afterwards you will just regret it for listening to them😣...After everything has happened you can do nothing and you can't go and change the past...So have your own opinion😉...and don't feel sorry for making wrong decision ...At least you have your opinion right ? 😇You'll will have experience if it doesn't workout😌...And you'll have self satisfaction first of all...😌..So having your "OWN OPINION".....is very much important😊...


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