

BLoG: Juggling Freelance and Grandfatherhood
I've been a Freelancer for almost 2 decades, but I am a new Grandfather of only 19 months. It has been a crazy year trying to juggle work from home while helping to raise our 1st grandbaby. As my kids grow older, fatherhood has slowly fallen back a couple notches it seems. As they don't need me as much as when they were children. But isn't that the nature of life. That's just how it goes. So for a number of years now I have been able to focus solely on me again. As for work, things have picked up again. And I've been able to find myself again, at least the David I knew before fatherhood versus the man I am now.

And just when I had gotten comfortable with the way things were going, boom! Here came a new grandbaby. What was I going to do now? I was now a Grandpa!!?? Little did I know how much my life would change. Little did I know how hard it would be to not let it affect my business. As working from home can be so tricky one has many opportunities to lose focus or drive. After all you are working from home. And with a baby under your roof there is no rest for the weary. It is a constant juggle of time and opportunity. Time with my granddaughter is such a gift and a blessing. She can be so fun, now at 19 months, learning how to walk and talk and present her personality to the world. But a handful she is! What a persona she has! She is definitely a power to be reckoned with already...LoL

Such distractions as cute and adorable as they are, are not good for the business side of me that always wants to work and seek out new opportunities. Yes I've been a workaholic for so long, it is hard to change ways so drastically. After all it is no easy feet working for yourself. You must dictate how you spend your time, where you spend your time and when you spend your time. Well all that goes out the window when you throw a baby into the equation. Between managing my 2 dogs and their needs and having to separate them from the baby as well as let them become familiar with the baby and vice versa. It is all a very intricate ballet of movement and balance as we all fight for needed space and personal time under 1 roof.

Let's just say, my time as a business man or Freelancer has seemingly taken a back seat to the demands of being a new Grandfather. Most of my events, lately, luckily are on location, meaning away from the home. Otherwise, I don't know what I would do or how I would get my work done if I was freelancing as a Graphic Designer per say (one of my most popular skillsets). Working from home is almost impossible these days. Though I know myself to be disciplined and focused, there is absolutely no bigger gift(distraction) than a new baby. We just had our grandbaby for 2 glorious weeks. Guess how much less work I got done those 2 weeks???...LoL

So where do we go from here. Luckily, as a Freelancer I am able to switch skillsets on a dime and pivot to something else when I need to. It's the versatility of my experience that makes Freelancing so amazing and easy for me to do. So here's to being a Freelancing Grandpa (still in my 50s) who still LooVes what he does! Helping others to grow is what we LooVe to do. Getting paid for it is simply icing on the cake. So Here's to all you self employed Grandpa's out there, getting it done!

#blogger #blogging #bloggerlife #freelance #business101 #business #writingtherapy #grandfather #beingagrandfather #grandpa

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