

Humble Pie, Anyone?
How many times have you heard or said something along the lines of, "If I hadn't been there, that task wouldn't have gotten done"? Or perhaps, "Because I was there, I made it easy for them"? Statements like, "I did this, I did that" seem to flow effortlessly from our lips. Even when we're trying to flatter someone, we say things like, "If it weren't for you, my work wouldn't have gotten done." Such phrases are so common, they're almost part of our daily vernacular.

But let's pause for a moment and reflect. Are these declarations we make with such authority and confidence truly accurate? If you weren't there, would the work really not have gotten done? The reality is, it most certainly would have.

Why do we give ourselves so much importance? Why do we so often elevate our own contributions to a level that borders on the divine? Sometimes, knowingly or unknowingly, we start considering ourselves indispensable, almost godlike. We forget a fundamental truth: we are merely mediums, conduits through which tasks are accomplished and events unfold.

If we were to remember this, it could save us from a great deal of arrogance and potentially make us a bit more humble in our lives. The notion that we are the linchpin to any operation is not only misguided but also dangerous. It fosters a sense of self-importance that can cloud our judgment and distort our perspective on our roles and the contributions of others.

This isn't to say that our efforts and contributions are meaningless. On the contrary, they are significant. However, recognizing that we are part of a larger system, where numerous factors and individuals play crucial roles, can help us maintain a balanced view of our importance.

The world has a remarkable way of continuing to turn, regardless of individual contributions. History is replete with examples of people who were once deemed irreplaceable, yet life went on after their departure. The work got done, problems were solved, and progress continued.

By understanding and internalizing this, we can develop a more grounded sense of self. We can appreciate our role without overstating it, and acknowledge the contributions of others without feeling diminished. This humility not only enriches our character but also enhances our interactions with others, fostering a collaborative and respectful environment.

So next time you catch yourself thinking, "If I hadn't been there, it wouldn't have gotten done," take a step back. Reflect on the collective effort that goes into any achievement and recognize that while your contribution is valuable, it is one part of a larger whole. Embrace the idea that you are a medium, an enabler, and let this perspective guide you towards greater humility and a more profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of our efforts.

In this light, humility isn't about minimizing our own worth; it's about seeing ourselves as part of something bigger. It's about acknowledging that while we matter, we are not the sole axis upon which the world turns. And in that recognition lies true wisdom and grace.

© Sarah✨️