

Globalization: How Humans Are Useful Idiots
Globalization of today is nothing new. It’s nothing more than a modern-day version of the old colonial power system, complete with the same players and their descendants in control. They substitute military conquest and dictatorial rule with multinational corporations similar to how the IMF and World Bank were set up after WWII to help facilitate the reconstruction of European economies.

It works through underdeveloped countries that were exploited by the old colonial system and encouraged to borrow large amounts of money and open up free trade in order to persuade them to participate in the international economic community. Economic labor camps and human resource processing zones were created for the production of cheap goods for Western markets by the use of new factories and sweatshops.

Conditions were placed on the loans given that allowed multinationals and globalist financiers to infiltrate common purpose policies, thus encouraging said countries away from being independent and self-sufficient.

It’s what is being done to Western citizens with collected debts and interest rates but on a larger scale. We are already in the completion phases of the globalist agenda with the controllers of these institutions holding all the cards and using humanity as a commodity for their own private use.

While people today are caught up in a mass consumption of media-driven fear and a bio-digital rape of the mind, we don’t have the time nor want the responsibility of deciding where our money goes. And so we elect officials to take up that job, unaware that these representatives are already compromised and ready to make bank while legislating our freedoms away.

The overstimulated generations of today are bored and apathetic to such matters, thanks to the previous generation’s lack of protecting their and our national sovereignty. This sets us up for the final totalitarian takeover.

Lenin called the people “useful idiots” because that’s what we are to these people: mere tools used as foot soldiers to facilitate their power expansion. With the people used as pawns under their control, they can re-engineer society in their image and reduce populations to what they consider sustainable.

We will own nothing and be happy. Individuals will not have rights but will be granted privileges based on their own individual service to the system. The future is a prison built by our own blood and sweat.

Many people ask, “Who are ‘they?’ these controllers?”

They are the ones pulling the strings in this globalist agenda. They are the Crown Corporation in the city-state of London, the Roman Catholic Church at the Vatican, and the Rothschild Zionists in Israel. The Crown Corporation is interlinked with major multinational corporations, with their subsidiaries and shareholders acting as a monolithic entity that expands their markets under globalization. The modern monetary system is headed by the Zionist banks. The Vatican cooperates with the Crown and Zionists to push its influence.

The US Corporation is a subsidiary of the Crown Corporation and acts as the military muscle that targets countries or rulers who oppose free trade for multinational corporations and finance, better known as the globalist agenda. Every country the US has invaded or gone to war with since WWII has this in common. They’ve all had a desire to be self-sufficient and independent under a true democratic government.

When we invade a country, we don’t bring democracy as we are led to believe. We bring our own totalitarian system of slavery by killing, raping, and pillaging any group or individual that stands in the way.

When we think of evil, we tend to think of concentration camps, Hitler, and his Nazi regime. This is what we are led to believe; however, in reality, the US is far worse. Nazi Germany wouldn’t have had the practice of racial sterilization had it not already been a legal and encouraged practice in the US.

The eugenics movement began here in America and continues today underground in various forms, all under the guise of globalization.