

Glow Of Emotions....
Moving to find a way to remain strong when enough is enough..Taking the stand,Shouting with silence,calming the alarm of worries,Meditating to get rid off from the hour of deep scars...Throughout the life have to pass the levels of hardships...maybe society gonna judge you. people gonna disrespect you...they can blame and treat you poorly for no apparent reason..Life always teaches us to live with your mind and love yourself first with your soul....you don't have to buy their worst mindsets n heartless hearts...there's no need to make a space in your cracked pieces of heart to hate them..yeah ! maybe heart listens to situation sometimes..can make you go ride through revengeful path...but that's also true..power of karma is there to make them realize by their own..you have to leave them to their own judgments..one day people will love you for the who the piece of sparkle you're...one day they gonna realize the worth of a real gem..For a period of time..you can think bondings are nothing sometimes...But, it's needed too to take a deep look in your mistakes sometimes and let the time do the rest by itself...maybe time can play with your attachments for a period..but, if pureness is true..it'll come back by itself with it's perfect glow again..till the time you have to keep patience amd move on with perfection of trustworthy time..you have to walk away from your fears and mistakes,they do not determine your fate...A lot of walk away from past for better happiness and perfect moments of future..will help you to do your life good in it's own way.....so just..believe in yourself and move on with true blessings and trust at God...💕

© piece to shine