

THE DEAL (Part 6 of book)

After being allowed to shower and clean up David and Ellie were lead to another room full of books and told to wait there. Ellie spoke to David and asked why had willed her to make it when he could of won. David returned the gesture and said “ there is no guarantee either of us will make it out alive and besides I would rather have your company than the cash as he smiled at her. David then asked “ why are you here Ellie you don’t look like you need the cash. Ellie began to explain that 5 million would pay off an illicit affair she had behind her husbands back and that after that she could go back to happier times with her husband and the guy she had an affair with would never bother her again as he showed far much more interest in money than he did her. Ellie asked David why he was here and he also explained that his business was failing fast and unfortunately his long term partner had gotten used to lavish lifestyle and instead of tell her he would have sold his soul to the devil to keep her in his life and then he confessed about his night with Cindy. Ellie did not look shocked by this revelation in fact she smiled and said I’m sure god will forgive you we all make mistakes and I won’t be telling anyone if you don’t well that’s if we even make it out alive. David smiled a small smile of contemplation and said” well I wonder what’s next in this sick game of life this man has decided to throw at us” . Ellie sighed and looked David in the eye and said well I guess we will find out soon enough.


David and Ellie were lead into a room where the light was dim but the table in the middle was lit enough from above to show the pool table in the middle. The voice from the speaker came across and said “. Well let’s see how sporting we are now with a nice game of pool but be warned in each pocket there is a mine that may go off or it may not if you call the wrong pocket on each shot you take” Ellie now angrier then ever picked up the white ball and hurled it at the speaker smashing it to pieces and screaming “ fuck you sadistic bastard how dare you treat us like this” the voice replied the deal is a deal and you can play or be shot at point blank by my good man the butler. David wrapped his arm around Ellie and she buried her head into his chest sobbing uncontrollably but now realising that her opponent was also her only friend in the world at the moment or was he an enemy neither could be quite sure of which was which with 5 million at stake. David picked up the cue and broke the balls and they both continued to play the game cautiously of course not wanting to watch the other die in such an intrepid way. The balls were being potted and both of them played well in fact so well they didn’t hear the car pulling up outside but then why would they they were on the other side of the mansion. David lined a shot up on a corner pocket and as he did his leg must have tripped a sensor as he leaned over the table, there was no warning just a huge bang and a flash and the smell of burnt flesh as David’s body hit the floor or at least what was left of it splattering Ellie in his bodily fluids and blood. Ellie screamed in horror and dropped the cue on the floor and made for the doorway which surprisingly was unlocked. She ran into the hallway into her room crying her eyes out until she fell asleep for a few hours.


Ellie awoke and decided to shower and clean herself up and as she walked back into the room from the en suite the realisation had hit her that it was over she was the last one standing the 5 million was now hers and all she wanted to do was claim it and get out of here as fast as possible. She stood there wrapped in a towel and as it slid from her slender body she was unaware she was being watched as she sat on the bed slipped on lace panties and bra and a clean dress that wouldn’t have looked out of place at a day at the races. She then proceeded to put on make up and when she was satisfied that it was ok she poured herself a large glass of champagne swigged it back and put in a matching hat to the the rest of her attire and walked down the stairs to where the butler was waiting for her. He greeted her with a smile and she politely said “ well now the games over can I have what I played for please as I wish to go home as soon as possible. Within a few seconds the voice from the speaker arose and said” I’m sorry Elizabeth but there is one more game yet for you” she looked in utter dismay as a huge glass screen appeared in front of her and the room it hid was obsidian black inside. The realisation had now become so real that she still may not make it out of here alive and she shouted “ keep your money I don’t want it just let me go please and before you do have the guts to show yourself. The voice from the speaker laughed and said “ All in good time Elizabeth all in good time” as the lights came on in the room and Ellie was completely shocked at what she was seeing let alone watching on the screen as well.


Ellie didn’t know the people she was looking at through the screen but she certainly knew the bruised and battered body that was sitting tied up in the chair. She looked in horror at her husband sitting there looking so bedraggled from such torture his eyes black his body bleeding from deep lacerations and the voice spoke again only this time it sounded so different from before it was a voice she recognised and it said in front of you are four cards each one belonging to to one of these people you are looking at and she could see from the screen that was playing that her husband knew them very well in fact each one intimately in more ways than one as she watched the twisted version of perversity unfold before her eyes. “ you see dear Elizabeth you are not the only one who was leading a double life your husband was also doing the same butt with both genders” Ellie felt sick to the stomach at such a sight and right now she didn’t care much for her husband but she knew that choosing a card would surely end his life in some horrible way. Ellie screamed at the screen “what sort of a sick fuck are you to do this and why me” the voice then explained that it wasn’t just her but this was a game of revenge to all those that had been wronged by each one of the players. All these people had to do was get the players to the mansion and they could watch their grisly demise in one way or another. The voice laughed and said “ each one was paid a million to get you all here so I could execute my meticulous plan dear Elizabeth” Ellie now broke into floods of tears and said “ please if I’m going to die at least let me know who is killing me” as she watched a figure rose from the floor in as if in a grand gesture. Ellie let out a scream as she came face to face with the twisted man with a twisted mind as the shock took over her as she realised it was her lover or should we now say ex lover who’s voice had been distorted through some device so not to be recognised. Now he spoke plainly and said “ my dear Elizabeth I always told you one day I would kill your husband and I also warned you that if you ever tried to leave me I would kill you too” he laughed menacingly as he quipped “ two for the price of one eh a bit like buy one get one free wouldn’t you say. Ellie her voice now angered shouted “ fuck you finish it now” the voice returned saying “ I will give you fifteen minutes to decide what card dear Elizabeth and don’t worry neither myself or the four others will be able to hear or say anything to you within that time and the room went dark and the lights of the speakers went from green to red meaning they were off.


Ellie paced the floor for what seemed like an eternity all she could think was that she had earned that money no thoughts for her husband or lover right now come to think of it nobody but herself until she turned her head and saw the butler standing there and in a flash there was her answer as she walked towards him sultrily and undone the top of her clothing hoping to distract him with her body. He looked at her as she drew her fingers down the front of his shirt undoing the buttons as she did and she whispered in his ear “well if I’m going to die I may as well die satisfied” as she lowered her mouth down his torso unzipping him slowly and taking him into her mouth and worked him expertly with her fingers and tongue until he was hard in her mouth as she slipped out of the rest of her clothing not caring if others were watching or not. She looked up at him and said “lean against the table” and as he did she straddled him feeling him deep inside her she moaned and writhed as she fucked him like he had never been taken before as she rested her hands on the table behind him and worked her hands down his back. He was obviously as stupid as he looked as she reached down carefully retrieved the gun that was in its holster on his his waistband and within one second of grabbing it she pointed the barrel at the back of his head and pulled the trigger. Blood and brain matter splattered everywhere within seconds as she heard the bullet hit the back of his scull and watched as it exited through the top of his head and he fell forward. Thinking quickly she knew she hadn’t much time and decided to grab whatever weapons were adorned upon the walls like the medieval axe and the sword and then she would throw the room into darkness by smashing all the lights so that when the lights came back on in the room where the others were they wouldn’t see her. The room in which she now stood steeped in darkness for the first time since this whole ordeal begun Ellie now felt alive and was ready to die fighting if she had to.


Ellie quickly put her clothes back on and waited for the click of the speaker and the tiny little show of green light to prove it was now working again as she stood in the middle of the room the dead butler half naked body and head blown off laying at her feet his blood still seeping onto the floor not that she cared either way how he died happy or not. Then there it was the silent hum off the fluorescent light tubes buzzing into life from the room that now stood between her and the five million pounds. The lover had realised straight away that something wasn’t right when he looked through the glass and could see nothing “ he bellowed “ Elizabeth I know your in there what have you done you dumb bitch” those words resounded in her head and through the darkness the muzzle flash of the gun lit the whole room as Ellie fired a shot shattering the glass between them. The window shattered as the bullet sliced through it spraying them in shards of glass one of them caught glass straight in their eye opening up a wound so deep even if they could the pain would be too much to bare to do anything about it as they fell to the floor unconscious. One down at least Ellie thought to herself. Another shot fired and she caught another straight in the chest and hearing the screams from the room she doubted anyone would give her much resistance now as she heard a shot fired and the bullet whizzed past her ear and she heard it hit the wall behind as she made her advance forward. Crouched down and her eyes adjusting the darkness she now had a much better advantage as she could see each and everyone of them as he ex lover rounded another chamber and fired carelessly into the darkened room. Ellie now laying on the floor let off another round the bullet missed but she didn’t care as she fired again this time the shot hit spraying blood everywhere as the bullet had severed a main artery in another persons leg and she could hear them screaming they were dying until the room fell silent. Two more rounds were fired by her now ex lover and she felt a searing pain in her thigh as one of the bullets tore through it but the adrenaline now pumping through her body forced her to go on. Another shot flew past her and it was at that moment during the flash of the muzzle she launched the axe and threw it which caught the last person besides her ex lover and husband straight between the shoulder blades and there was a loud deafening scream and the body slumped to the floor releasing its life source from the open wound which had cut through ribs and into the persons ribs expelling the air from them. One now left Ellie thought just her ex lover as she crawled her way through the darkness forgetting about her husband who was still tied up. Another shot as the room filled with light again and the smell of cordite almost choking her as she made her way to the corner of the lit room or killing field that it had now become. She hunched down and took a chance as she all of a sudden lunged up swinging the sword at her ex lover she didn’t want him shot she wanted him most of all to die slowly. The sword struck him just under the shoulder of his left arm as he leapt back the gun in his right arm triggering off another round which was quickly soaked up the body of her husband as it hit him in the groin and he screamed loudly throwing his head back and as he did so Ellie caught sight of his face and screamed at him “ you bastard you did this to us” recoiling the sword she caught him straight across the throat severing the main artery in the neck as the blood pumped from his body until his body became lifeless as her ex lover was screaming in agony on the floor triggering the gun as fast as he could but unfortunately for him his last bullet was now buried in her husbands balls. Ellie stood there now covered in blood and guts and god knows what else her body looking like something from a horror movie as she basked in the light and retrieved the axe from the floor and walked towards the ex lover the only one still alive right now.


Ellie now in full control of the situation bends between her ex lover and dead husband and strikes her ex lover down the face who is recoiling in pain as she slowly traces her hand down into his pocket and withdrawing the cheque for the 5 million at the same time the muzzle of the gun now pointed at his chest as he whimpers begging for his life and Ellie says sign it. I’ll sit you up sign the cheque and I may let you live as she watched the blood flow through his shirt quite freely he mutters “ fuck you bitch I’ll never sign it” Ellie now enraged at his defiance takes the sword and digs the point of it into his now already shattered shoulder the collar bone clearly visible with its congealed blood. He screams in agony and says “ ok I’ll sign it” and Ellie hands him a pen and he signs it muttering in pain as he does so. Ellie now smiling stands above him and reaches down and runs her fingers through his blood his soaked clothing and draws it to her mouth tasting his life source from her fingers as she lifts the axe and slices through the artery in his leg. He screams in agony and shouts “ you will never get away this you know that don’t you” Ellie smiles and says” I have five million that’s enough to leave the country and start a fresh life with a new identity so I think I will but before I do I have one last treat for you as she walks behind him and ties his hands behind his back. Ellie leans down kisses him gently on the cheek and says don’t worry darling I will be back in a minute and leaves him there bleeding while she executed the last of her plan.


Ellie leaves the room but knows she will have to work quickly and she finds the control room to the whole house she disengages the alarm and opens the door into the back where she can hear the snarling of the dogs. She finds the kitchen and the fridge is stacked with raw meat and she thinks this will do nicely as she sets about laying the meat from room to room and then she steps into the cold night air and to where the dogs are kept. She opens the gates very unsure if they will attack or not and leashes them one by one as she feeds them meat and leads them to the house watching their mouths snap and snarl at their own hunger and taste for blood and meat. Ellie opens the door to where her ex lover and the dead bodies lie and he screams with fright as he realises what is about to happen as Ellie smiles at him and says “ well I mean why would anybody keep such wild animals but I’m sure they will keep you company while I take a quick shower and clean up and she lets the dogs loose and as she walks away she can hear the screams of agony from him as he is torn apart slowly by them until there are no more screams to be heard and the house lays in silence. Ellie now freshly showered and bandaged up finds a set of car keys and whinces as she pushes the clutch with her foot but the pain is bearable as she starts the car and drives off leaving the house in relative silence just five million richer and smiles to herself and says well my dear friends a deal is a deal indeed. The only mistake she made in the final parts of her leaving were the cameras on the outside of the secluded mansion were still on but hey what she did care by the time any alarm was raised she would be in another country with a new name and she had already decided she quite liked the thought of the south of France and the name Cindy would be quite fitting for a new life as dark rain clouds encompassed the mansion as she now took one last long look in the mirror at what had turned out to be a very few tiring and costly few days especially for those bodies in the house and their dealings.

© Valhalla bound