

The Girl Next Door ❤ – part 2
Xander and Mia were doing great in their relationship. They have been together for a year now and 1 year isn't a short time right? By now they have seen each other's flaws and shortcomings. They laughed, cried and expressed. They embraced each other's flaws which made them complete. Mia's smile was like sunshine to his day. They both were incomplete without each other. If Mia was earth then Xander was like a sun to it.
Their high school was over now and like every other kid they were struggling for money. Mia wanted to be a writer and Xander wanted to be a comedian. After 7- 8 months they both were settled with their careers. Mia was very successful as a writer. She had published three best sellers within a year. Xander was not successful very few people came to see his shows and that was only because stand up comedies we're free in clubs. He was broke and was dependent on his mother's money. He never shared his poorness with Mia because he didn't want her to feel pity for him and pay for his bills. Though money was not something to worry about for them. One day they both were hanging out; while having dinner at a restaurant Xander asked Mia, "would you like to live with me?"Mia said, " yes I would love to ". So after two days, they both brought a nice little house. They bought everything they loved and made their house like a nice little heaven to live in.
After 7 months of living together one evening, Mia brought her old best friend Alex Hutchinson to her house which was very strange for Xander because Mia never talked about him or mentioned him in any of their conversations.
Alex started visiting Mia frequently and Mia was also acting really strange after Alex came into their life. She started giving less attention to Xander but more to Alex. Mia used to hang out with Alex half of the day. Xander had a doubt on them so he started stalking them. Even after Mia came back home Xander used to follow Alex but he couldn't find any evidence against them. One day at 10 AM Xander decided to break into Alex's house when he saw Alex going into the shower he went into his room and took his phone. He went through his phone and he saw some private pictures of Alex and Mia kissing each other it shook him it ripped him apart. He was so mad that he could kill Alex but he did not he realised that if Mia was really happy with Alex he should let her go he just wanted to see Mia happy and he could sacrifice anything to keep her happy.
He didn't go home that night. He slept on a bench in a park. The next morning he went back home early and sat near Mia thinking of all those lovely days they had spent together. When she got up she saw Xander in tears.
She asked, " what happened to you"?
He replied in a broken voice, " do you love me "?
She said, " yes I do... But why are you asking that "
Xander replied, " Then why....why did you kiss Alex "?
Mia was speechless......
Xander asked her one last time, " do you love me, Mia
" no... I love Alex I don't feel loved when I am near you and Alex is better in every aspect than you ".
Xander accepted it and told her to leave and never wanted to see her again.
His heart was broken into pieces. He didn't leave his house for a month but soon he realised that he needed to be strong and had to move on. So he organised another free stand up show in which he talked about real stuff about his life and people loved it, Xander got popular overnight and his show as a big hit. He was in demand and after organising over 20 shows in a month he was very successful and was respected by everyone. That heartbreak made him discover his talent and used it to make him stronger and stronger.
Xander had moved on and was one of the most leading comedians in the world. He was finally happy in his life. I think it is true when they say, " The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...... ".