

Trapped self-esteem

A Memoir by
Loveth .O. Chidera




Chapter 1 Understanding Trapped Self-Esteem

Chapter 2 Identifying the Root Causes of Trapped Self-Esteem

Chapter 3 social media bully

Chapter 4 When Love is missing

Chapter 5 The Scar of failure

Chapter 6 A therapy that works

Chapter 7 Be patient with yourself


I'm indebted to my God who helped me get inspiration from my
Personal experience, and to my life time friend who contributed
Towards Making this book a reality, I'm grateful.


Many of us have experienced moments where we struggle with self-doubt and low self-esteem. It can be challenging to see ourselves in a positive light and break free from the cycle of negative thoughts and emotions. In this book, we will explore the difficulties of battling low self-esteem and the desire to learn to love and accept ourselves despite our flaws. We will discuss the frustration of feeling trapped by our own thoughts and emotions and the importance of persevering through the struggle to regain confidence and self-worth. Let's delve into the complexities of self-esteem and discover ways to overcome our struggles.

Trapped self-esteem can be a difficult obstacle to overcome, but it is not insurmountable. By identifying the root causes, practicing positive self-talk, setting realistic expectations, seeing the good side of failure, cultivating self-care and compassion, and finding support from the entrance of God's word, we can break free from the limitations of trapped self-esteem and live a fulfilling and joyful life. Remember, your worth and potential are infinite, and you deserve to live your life with confidence and self-love.
Each chapter Poetically identify a problem, and give a shade of hope.

Chapter 1: Understanding Self-Esteem.

Self-esteem is the foundation of our well-being. It is the way we feel about ourselves and the value we place on our abilities and worth. However, sometimes our self-esteem can become trapped, leaving us feeling unworthy, powerless, and unable to move forward. This trapped self-esteem can manifest in various ways, such as negative self-talk, self-doubt, identity crisis and fear of failure.

Trapped self-esteem, a weight so heavy to bear,
It stems from harsh feedback and criticism, unfair,
From those we hold dear, figures of authority and peers,
Leaving us lost in uncertainty, consumed by fears.

Standards and expectations, societal and cultural,
Imposing unrealistic rules, demands that are so awful,
Leading to a fear of failure, a common manifestation,
That keeps us from taking risks, in a state of stagnation.

Internal dialogue, a common symptom of the trapped,
Our minds caught in a cycle, our confidence so sapped,
The negative self-talk, harsh and critical in tone,
Leaves us with self-doubt, a feeling of being alone.

To break free from this cycle, we must have awareness,
Use the right tools and strategies, with a sense of fairness,
We can reclaim our self-worth, our power and our might,
And live a fulfilling life, where our confidence takes flight.

Chapter 2: Identifying the Root Causes of Trapped Self-Esteem.

To overcome trapped self-esteem, we must first figure its root causes. These causes can vary from person to person, but some common factors include past traumas, unrealistic expectations, and comparison to others etc.

Past traumas:This can be generated from experiences of abuse, neglect, bullying, or other traumatic events can significantly impact our self-esteem. If we have been mistreated in the past, we may internalize negative beliefs about ourselves and struggle to feel good about who we are. For example, someone who was bullied in school might have internalized the message that they are weak or unlikable.

Unrealistic expectations: We often set high expectations for ourselves, whether it's in our personal or professional lives. However, when we set unrealistic goals that are impossible to achieve, we set ourselves up for failure and disappointment. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Comparison to others: We often compare ourselves to others, especially in the age of social media where we are bombarded with images of people's seemingly perfect lives. However, when we constantly compare ourselves to others and feel like we don't measure up, we can become trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and low self-esteem.

By identifying these underlying causes, we can begin to understand why we struggle with self-esteem and take steps to address them. For example, if negative self-talk is a significant issue, we can work on replacing those negative thoughts with positive affirmations, remind yourself what God has said concerning you. If past traumas are impacting our self-esteem, we might consider seeking therapy or counseling to work through those experiences. The key is to be compassionate with ourselves and recognize that overcoming trapped self-esteem is a process that takes time and effort.

Chapter 3: social media bully

Oh, how the digital world can be cruel,
Where bullies roam with words so cruel,
On social media, they reign supreme,
Making others feel like a worthless dream.

Their words can cut like a sharpened knife,
Leaving wounds that last a lifetime,
Value shattered, confidence gone,
Leaving victims feeling so alone.

The likes and comments that once brought joy,
Now twisted into a game of destroy,
Likes are weapons, comments are attacks,
A twisted world where bullies thrive in packs.

But remember, dear friend, you are not alone,
There are others who have been shown,
The ugly side of social media's face,
But know that you can rise above this race.

Remember that your worth is not defined,
By the number of likes or comments you find,
Your beauty and strength are from within,
And bullies can never take that from within.

So hold your head up high and be proud,
For the bully's words cannot break you down,
You are strong, you are loved, and you are enough,
And no bully can ever change that, no matter how tough.

Chapter 4: When Love is missing

The absence of love can sting,
A wound that hurts deep within,
Leaving our hearts feeling empty,
And our self-esteem in need of remedy.

We long for love, for someone to see,
The beauty and worth that lies in you and me,
But when it's missing, we can feel trapped,
In a world that feels cold and wrapped.

Our self-esteem suffers, as we question our worth,
Wondering why we weren't enough at birth,
Why no one saw the light in our soul,
And left us feeling incomplete and unwhole.

We search for love in all the wrong places,
Trying to fill the void with empty embraces,
But nothing seems to make the pain go away,
As we struggle to face another day.

But dear friend, know that love is all around,
In the trees, the flowers, and the sound,
Of the wind that whispers through the trees,
And the sun that shines so brilliantly.

Love is within you, a flame that burns bright,
A reminder that you are worthy of light,
That your self-esteem is not defined,
By the absence of love that you may find.

So embrace yourself, just as you are,
And know that you are a shining star,
With worth and beauty beyond measure,
A soul that deserves love without measure.

Chapter 5: The Scar of failure

Fear of failure is a common barrier to healthy self-esteem. However, it is important to remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process and can be an opportunity for growth and development. By reframing our relationship with failure and embracing a growth mindset, we can overcome our fear and take bold steps towards our goals.

The scar of failure, etched upon our skin,
A tale of struggle, a battle we did not win,
A sign of imperfection, a blemish on our soul,
A mark of our journey, a story to be told.

A wound that healed, but left its trace,
A moment in time, that we cannot erase,
A lesson learned, a path we once took,
A step we stumbled, a page in our book.

It reminds us of a dream, left unfulfilled,
A goal not achieved, a hope that chilled,
But it's not the end, nor is it our fate,
For we can rise again, from our failed state.

Our scar can become a badge of honor,
A symbol of our strength, our true valor,
A chance to grow, to rise above once more,
To chase our dreams, and soar and soar.

Chapter 6: A therapy that works

The Word of God, a healing balm,
Rescued my self-worth from the realm
Of darkness, where it was confined,
Judged and silenced, left behind.

But then a voice, divinely clear,
Reached down to where I crouched in fear,
And whispered love, and hope, and grace,
Restored my soul, unveiled my face.

Once lost, now found, my spirit freed,
A new foundation for my need.
The Word of God, a holy light,
Guiding my steps, my soul's delight.

No longer trapped, my self-worth thrives,
Its potential now realized.
The Word of God, a tool so strong,
Saving my soul, and making me belong.

Chapter 7 : Best patient with yourself

Be patient on this journey of discovery,
For the path to self-knowing can be long and winding,
The road may be rough, and the terrain may be tough,
But with each step, you learn and grow, and that's enough.

Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day,
And the greatest masterpieces took time to create,
So be kind to yourself, and take it slow,
As you explore the depths of your heart and soul.

You may stumble and fall, and that's okay,
For every mistake is a lesson in disguise,
And with each setback, you gain a new insight,
A stepping stone towards your true purpose in life.

So embrace the journey, and savor the ride,
For the destination is not the only prize,
The greatest treasure lies within your heart,
And with patience and perseverance, you'll find it in time.

So be patient, dear soul, and trust the process,
For the answers you seek are already within,
Just listen to your heart and let the rightspirit guide you,
As you discover the magic that lies within.
You confidence await you at the seat of authority.

© Lovewealth