

White flowers
He was standing in cemetery,it was mid day and the world seemed so grey.His uncle passed in early morning hours and here he was at the last ceremonial rights.With bouquet of white flowers and incense sticks he proceeded with others relatives towards his uncle's grave.Midway to his destination he sensed a strange fragrance,so distinct it was he started sweating ....he knew it flashed his memories but he shrugged off his thoughts.....

His school friend and love for years ....had the same essence.His memories went back two years back,her white dress,her love for white flowers, even pristine and purer was her love for him.He broke up with her without much thoughts and moved on in his life to seek better opportunities.Soon his practical mind made him realise it's just a fear ,invain and the fragrance isn't a copyright,there were thousands of bouquet placed there ......

but the fragrance continued to follow him and lingered as if someone was standing near him.After offering flowers with old and new memories he was returning back,crossing several epitaphs that laid silently in that cemetery.All spreading like dark clouds in the rainy day of sad month of July.Again that fragrance and a whisper from behind... someone uttered his name but he was alone that time ....he turned back to see a newly dug grave,fresh with the name of same girl he left ......he went closer to see her birthday and death date and it was her...the girl who loved white,in all sense .... flowers that he offered her uncle flew by a strange gush of wind that made those white flowers fall on her grave.......

He had tears in his eyes,shocked , speechless ,he simply lost his speech forever....

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