

The Midnight Warrior (part 1)
(Please read the prologue before reading this. Thank you.)

The feeling of the moonlight. Not many can feel it the way that I do. It's not hot. It's not cold. This feeling is just so hard to describe. It's almost as if the moon is shining only on me. Giving me the light I need. The stars across the sky always find a way to lead me to where I need to be. The midnight sky, it wants my mission to succeed.

"Help!" A distant scream echoed through the night. Jumping from roof to roof I searched the village for danger. Down on the East side, near the docks, was a woman. Dark skin, short pink hair and chocolate eyes. Three figures surrounded her, I immediately recognised their uniforms. They were the king's knights.

"It's past your curfew, lady." One of the knights spat in annoyance. She cowered by the wall, completely cornered and helpless. She went to reply but another man struck her across the face with the hild of his sword. "Silence, peasant! We did not give you permission to speak!"

I glared at them in disgust before jumping down from one of the village huts. I landed in between the terrified woman and the three men. I was facing the woman and I stood straight, giving her a confident smile. "It'll be alright now. Just sit tight and I'll take care of everything."

The fear in the woman's eyes remained but she nodded her head in acknowledgement. I nodded back before turning to the three knights. "Hold it, who dares interfere with the king's business?" The man in the middle asked, pointing his blade toward my head.

"It is I, the Midnight Warrior." I drew my sword from the sheath attached to my belt. I kept it pointed at the ground as I spoke with a harsh tone. "You three call yourself noblemen and yet you dishonor King Louis' morals by harassing this fair maiden?"

"King Louis is dead, we follow him no longer." The man on the right side said before he too pulled out his sword from his gilded scabbard.

The third retrieved his blade as well, all three getting into fighting positions. "Long live our new king, King Baron!" The middle one shouted before swinging his sword toward my face.

I didn't even blink as I swung my blade up to block his own. "You fools are too blind to see what Baron has done to our home. He has tarnished the peace and freedom this land was once proud of. I will not stand idly by as you torment these innocent people."

The other two swung at me from both sides in unison. I pushed away the middle man and launched myself backwards. I landed a few inches from the terrified woman and I glanced back at her. She was shaking and I noticed that she had something clutched in her hand. Before I could figure out what it was I was caught by surprise when one of the men punched me in the gut.

My anger flared but I quickly pushed it down. I refused to lose control over my emotions. I sprinted forward, ducking under the sword that swung my direction and landing on my knees. I stood up then kicked the guy who swung at me and he stumbled into the wall. The woman scurried to the far corner, trying to avoid the fight as much as possible.

The other two came at me once again. I ducked and grabbed onto their robes before pulling and sending them down to the floor. The third knight jumped onto my back, rope in hand as he tried to strangle me with it. I grabbed onto the rope and tried to break it but the rope was too thick. I growled in rage before pulling one last time, hard enough to pull the man over my shoulder and onto the ground.

He looked at me in shock, probably not expecting such a "dainty" woman to throw him so effortlessly. I grinned at him and suddenly his expression morphed into fear. I glanced down at my skin to see that it was now pitch black, like the night sky. I looked back to the man and he scrambled to his feet before grabbing both of his men from the floor and hauling them to their feet in one swift motion.

Then they ran, like the cowards that they are.

© Sam T. Parker