

the wrong choice
Wide, frightened eyes took in the casual gait of the man walking towards her. Cold beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It couldn't be him, could it?
It was him! That smirk on his thin lips was too cruel to belong to someone else.
But how could it be? She had killed him years ago!...
but as he neared her it had to be him the same 6'4height towering her 5'3height bending to her level cold eye's the same homously laugh that sent her bones shaking
it had to be him her brother no one had the deranged face of a serial killer that was proud to be one
as she stared into those blank eye's she remembered it like it was yesterday he'd killed a lot of people but there was one one that will get her killed today
remembering it like it was yesterday the neighbours niece had come she'd entered the house smile up to him she followed him up the stairs to his room immediately the door closed the screams took over the same screams that could be heard a mile away that kept happening weekly but nobody bothered to ask
having heard the screams enough she arose from the seat rushed into the room cause he never bothered to lock but again she was met with the sight of Chloe's lifeless body the same Chloe she laughed with over nothing and everything her Chloe her best friend forever or not
having had enough she had to get out for help this time there was evidence they had to believe her this time just as she was about to make a run for it she bumped into him and she saw him lowering to her level thin lips with a smirk on them tried to move back but held firmly by his strong arms arms that wanted to crush her but a full blown sinister smile showed up covering her mouth she was tied up beaten and tortured for a week
until a silver lining or she thought she escaped to the police but he was the chief of police so she was taken to an asylum stayed a year trying to convince someone but no she was and still is the crazy one by law but he made that one mistake bringing her back
she did stay as always keeping shut watching until he drunk beyond recognition that was her que
waiting till night time she watched him peacefully sleep it was exactly 9pm she attacked stabbed him through the heart 21times yes she did count
she did what he always did cleaned the place thoroughly then took him where he took them all shot him through the heart should have aimed for the head she was happy for about a year 30min17 seconds
now his here to finish the deed because she had failed even as he aimed the gun to her chest she didn't blink only preparing for was to come as the first shot went through her she watched unblinking only heard two things the sound of her heartbeat and the last shot she heard the same smirk she saw a year ago as she closed her eye's and faded into darkness or nothingness