

The Ballad of Nirvana
Chapter 24
part 2

Indriya was distracted and her surroundings were blurring. Mekhala punched Indriya again and again in the abdomen until she fell to her knees down to the floor. Indriya coughed and tasted something tangy, metallic and salty. Blood. She was coughing blood. Something cracked open when she saw the red on the cream marble.

Her breathing was ragged, she could now sense the source of that power, it was right in front of her eyes, it was her, it was Mekhala. Rage surged through Indriya, a rage she didn’t know that she had inside of her. It was cold and calm and she couldn’t sense anything around her. All she saw was Mekhala’s feet and the shackles she was bound to.

Indriya did not have to request her power; it came out on its own creeping up the shackles, the iron grey cuffs burning bright red. There was a bright crimson red light before the metal broke and fell to the ground with a ching.
Red light erupted from Indriya as she cried out loud once and surged toward Mekhala with her fist lined with the red honeycomb pattern and shoved it deep into her stomach. Mekhala would’ve gone flying in the air had it not been for the resistance, blood surged out of Mekhala’s beautiful mouth and her stunning face contorted with pain and rage. Indriya caught hold of her throat and shoved her against the wall, choking her.

“Princess! Stop!” Agni threw the mug of water on her, but Indriya was out of control, her cold rage was out of control. Mekhala was going to die for playing dirty tricks.
Indriya's body hummed and hummed the same tune, her body was singing in rage. Her lips went numb and were wobbling, when Agni swirled her around and slapped her, he had slapped her and her cheek was stinging. Now Indriya could feel herself, she was going to kill a person, she was going to…

Indriya’s knees buckled in exhaustion, she was dropping to the ground but Agni caught her in his arms. Indriya’s vision blurred and she could see black entering the corners of her eyes.
“Princess, God! Speak to me! This is all my fault.” Agni cursed under his breath. With whatever strength she could muster she spoke in a raspy, hoarse voice, “I am ….sorry Ms. Ma..dhu...ra.” Her throat burned like she had swallowed simmering coals. “I didn’t mean to…hurt...” Once again complete darkness took over her.


Agni’s heart almost stopped, he should’ve stopped the fight when she was on the ground. It was his fault she was unconscious, he picked her up nestling her head into his chest and carried her to Manu’s room.

Manurhita opened the door and almost swore in rage, she ordered him to lay her down on the bed carefully, and he did so resting her head on the pillow. She barked orders to the servant and shoved him outside the room.
Agni paced in the hallway, blaming and loathing himself. He had seen Chag getting hurt a hundred times more than what the Princess faced, but something burned inside him when he saw her with the blood on her face.
Mekhala was in the other room, one of Manu’s assistants was attending to her, cleaning the wounds and tending to the bruises.

This situation reminded him of the time when his mother died, how they had brought the body and how her black tunic was stained with blood that turned it into the ugliest black he had ever seen. His heart rate raised to such an extent that it almost tore out of his chest to take a leap and run into the room where she was getting healed.
After what seemed like eons, Manu opened the door and walked outside, closing it behind her, through the gap he could see at least five assistants hovering over the Princess.
“Her body shows signs of repression and an explosion of power, what happened?” Manu asked, her tone was calm but grave.
“She duelled with Mekhala, and I could sense the repression. I could have stopped it but I let it go on, her power erupted even more powerfully in the red light and almost choked Mekhala to death. She exhausted her power so much, I am surprised Mekhala is still alive.” He spoke without a break and took a long breath in the end.

Manu’s eyes dilated and she exploded on Agni, “You, Idiot! Sometimes your brain becomes non-existent, is it? You cuffed her hand and made a beginner fight with one of the best warriors of Bhadra! I don’t understand why you become thick as two planks, Prince of Bhadra, or should I just call you God of stupidity!” Manurhita was thankfully interrupted by Chag, at least that’s what Agni thought until she explained the entire situation to Agni and he too lost his cool on his best friend.

Chag whacked Agni at the back of his head and said “I was just checking if you had a damned brain, but it seems like you don’t!” Fortunately or unfortunately an assistant healer walked out of the room and announced that the Princess regained consciousness.
“One second, she has been calling His majesty, Prince Tamas’s name, so I think he should go see her first.” Agni almost ran into the room to see the Princess was bandaged from the bust to her abdomen, while the rest of her was unmarked. He could see layers of bandage through the velvet robe he wrapped around herself but was untied.

“Agni, is that you?” She moaned. He dragged a chair beside her bed and sat down with ease, and said softly, “Yes, Princess it’s me.”