

Judge Your Fears
Everything could be going right, until the mind believes otherwise. For afterall, we are all human, and its easy to have our life experiences trigger us into believing that a good thing is not what it seems or appears.

Especially within our personal relationships it's either Trust or Try, until you can't .However, fear is just a triggered feeling that makes one think (behave) or feel that something is wrong; when in actuality, the majority of the time, fear is just a thought and not a current reality.

So every time you feel something, your mind creates a belief that the current fears is either a current reality (that has just presently happened) or a potential reality ( most likely to happen or wont even happen at all. ) However, based upon your fears whether current, past or potential, think sensibly and don't risk what makes you happy based upon a feeling of fear, rather base the judgement of your fears against your current reality.So dont take away what life gives to you, for every experience is not a bad experience, and not all people are untrustworthy or negative.

And when life gives you material things and significant people, it is only for the benefit of you securely measuring what is given to you by how it consistently adds or to take away from your happiness or well being . Yet, don't allow every thought of fear to trigger you into making hasty decisions into sacafricing your own happiness. Instead , allow your triggers to be shared and communicated with the people who are significant, so that they are aware of it and can kindly treat you with more love, more sensitivity and more respect for your feelings and your need for comfort and security.

©Work2Rise x. #45daysofwriting 45daysofcreativity

What keeps our friendships/family/relationships thriving is our ability with communicating what matters to each other and this includes: our dreams, fears, plans, triggers etc...

Addressing issues/trauma/problems/triggers: Communication
Sometimes, you have to dig deeper to the root in order to stand firm. (Our relationship's need to know what's going on so that triggers can be prevented, unlearned , or outgrown).

Are your decisions based upon you waiting for your fears to be proven right or wrong? (This question may just determine your happiness or your belief about your personal need for security and constanance.)
© Work2Rise