

Chapter 7...
Party throughout the mind.....

As I know that I and Elena got back to eachother and I got to knew about her friends squad so I have a thought on my mind that I should also introduced my friend Lucas and Elijah to Elena so I text her and said we got to meet new people in the town tonight . Suddenly I got reply not today !! I am busy with my stuff so next sure we will meet up and I replied !! Ok no wonder .
In the evening I called her and ask about the routine or plan for the weekend . She said me that now I can't make plan !! I ask her why ?? She said there is surprised for you my baby!! Wait until it disclose ?? And I ask to meet up have dinner with me tonight!! She said ok fine !! I am craving ?? Come soon bae?? We met at around 8pm at restaurant name weekend on bars" so they have numerous dishes Chinese chicken salad with some wine particular the restaurant structure is well formed and the best part of it they play a song " She want me alike " that was Elena favourite . She said we will come back again later here . Totally fine !!
She was asking me about what people you want to introduce I said they are my friends they recently came here so I had a thought to engage with them too and introduce you also . She said ok let see when we will get time . After that we went for walk through out the streets . On the late night it was so amazing with blissful sky and tiny little cozy at the moment I dont want to wait anymore to kiss her at the moment. We were so high at the moment we are behaving like crazing streets people . Who where in there own fucking world?? Since it was too late I hang up in my home but suddenly I got to know that I losted my keys where I don't know??
Then I stood up to mr .Peter if he could help me for that I knock the door at three to four times then he came up and ask what you want drunked man?? I said him all the things and he said to wait until he checked he had spare keys or not ?? He came after few moments and said he don't occupy the keys but he had a guest house which we can stay but only on one we have to pay to stay for the night for around 10 $ .
I pay and then stood up to guest house then we found it was little messy but it fine Elena stood up straight on the bed and I was too . In the early morning mr Peter came to woke up to us that so fucking annoying , but I was wrong he was just inviting us to join on the breakfast . We got freshen up and make our selves comfortable then I asked mr.peter that we have to paid for breakfast or what ??
He said oh man no !! It for free !! Don't worry about that ?? I said ok just be sure!!
He was asking about me and Elena what we do ?? I said we are in realtion . Elena said we are getting late I have to go for work and she left by kiss on my forehead!! I smiled by looking at her !! Mr. Peter said oh my gosh so much of love in this bright morning ahead .
I said thankyou for this treat !! He said my pleasure dear .
At the evening Elena called me and said be ready for the party ?? I ask what !! You didn't even informed me and now you are giving me the orders ?? She said I have no time for all this laters baby be ready I will pick you up at 6 now bye.
I said fuck the shit what the party now ?? I got ready and Elena was looking damn fucking good ?? I ask her what the party she said it surprised baby ! I want to give you so hold the horses till the time ?? We stood up to a house which I have no clue of it ?? Then suddenly I sawed Janice came to me and start hugging me and said me that please welcome ?? I said it your party ?? Absolutely it mine I had thrown while in months or weeks to have good connection with people you know ?? Elena stood up with Janice and she started her flirting with me as I am not so comfortable with her.
I said why I came over here ?? What the fuck is this ?? The party is like exchanging their partners for while and meet up new people and have fun with them . I really don't know how to react ?? I was so shocked I ever don't know about this ?? Elena stood to me and said enjoy I know that you will like that .
In my mind what this fucked , no really I don't want to but I don't have any to say?? .
I was still queit at the moment and watching people around me ?? Some guys having fun some girls I mean guy and lesbian . Janice came to me and ask me if someone I liked this party or not?? I said no thanks or I should join you .
No I am fine here with myself excuse me??
It was so horrific situation to me , I have to gonna go from here !! Then I found Elena with a guy she was kissing him and I said what the fuck Elena you are cheating on me ?? She said no dear it party enjoy and let me enjoyed through it . Catch up you later babe!! I said fuck it I am leaving then Janice trying for seductive to me I said bitch you stay from me ....

To be continued.....

© sushmita Desai