

Sex Container(part two)
What did Jesus say about this?
Mark 10:6-9
Every time you have sex, it's not just the physical act, it not just skin to skin. When you have sex you're joining to that person this is how powerful God made sex. Everytime you join with somebody, you're joining physically, spiritually and emotionally. Everytime you have sex ,you're marrying the person without the covenant. Marriage was suppose to be the perfect picture of God.

Everything that God did in human nature is suppose to be in a marriage. So when humanity got separated, he has to send a blood sacrifice so we can be in covenant. Inside every woman God has put blood. When a man penetrate a woman, blood is shed because everytime this happens there is suppose to be a blood covenant established when you have sex. And everytime you're joining with somebody,you're not just getting the physical moment, you're getting their emotional statics and spiritual withdraw.So when you have sex with someone you're getting physical ,spiritual and emotional attachment to that person.And that why when you have sex before marriage and you see that person after 10yrs, you will be hijacked cause there is what they call a soul tie that has you connected to them. You thought it was one night you will forget but it was something that God said you've married that person without the covenant.

We have the entire society of people having one nightstand or hookup but what they don't understand is that they are robbing their bank deposit.When they connect with somebody, it taking a withdraw and when they get with their husband or wife they may be in the negative.
You're not suppose to be joined with that dude you talk with, go to school with but to your husband or wife.

Many of us does not know that marriage is not just a piece of paper, a ceremony in a white dress, the party,the music,the bridesmaids that's you and what you want and that's americanized view of what marriage is. What marriage means to God is when you decide that, what is so valuable to me,I'm ready to give it to this person for the rest of my life including all of me.And we step into that convenant and God is there saying I do. So how many times have you made God say I do and you did? How many people have you been in a sexual relationship with? Food for thought.

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