

Love in doubt

Chasing in the sun, playing in the garden and taking part in illogical topics was his timepass tricks. No barriers matters nothing like age, sex, country, colour, education, status, religion and etc matters for him. Also he is a kind of person who is not God fearing but can fight with God, so God's chanting/mantras not gonna work for him. Nobody understands he is the real genius devil.

When somebody sleeps he does his unnecessary activities. Makes groups and friends with other incubuses and evils of any places or the perticular place he is staying. And with his groups he interfere almost every privacy even sexual related of any personality.

With no sense he continue all his evil business in illegal lands wonderfully and then wanna rule over earth by interfering privacy of others with no golden flying chariots like the God books said.

Nobody can trust him in any possible measures in anything like palmistry, astrology, horroscope, face reading and anything what human believed to know.....
But he is just a heart breaker!. He can hack all the good mind and turn the good feelings into bad.

And then he says he need love!. Is love so easy? Nobody have to do anything to get love?
Isn't it would be like the story of beauty and beast? May be for sometime and then nothing will happen.

In the yellow sky,
where the incubuses group fly,
What love somebody should try.....
It will just make them cry.
But then nobody will understand,
Because beasts do human like pretend.
May be just for sometime.....
But will be mark in heart for everytime.....

He don't wanna die, he wanna kill and he just want love.....
Give some love to him? How can somebody love him? Isn't it would be a miracle?
Smart people are not like animals.

In the world of unexpectation who knows what can be happen. Future is not in human hand.

But such a jealous and hell spirit will get love is always a doubt.

© 🌸Trisha Acharya🌼💕