

Rocks An Melting Man
oh as I fell on the rocks I watched as the
ice tryed to fall on me but no I moved
And the rest is history I am here with
you today.
But it was crazy times back then and
now but it's always been dramatic
So times.
So on my book tour I find people see
the story's I have written
And find a few have been through
what I have been through.
An some things they lived through
I never imaged they may have went
through not in my wildest dreams.
But we all have walked through fire
an they flames ouched us that we
cry every now and then. But roses
plus flowers can make you forget
your hurt in these some what sad times.
An when the plants come alive in your mind.
You see situations an changes have
been made to your heart because
you know that a mind lost like I was
lost on those rocks could have
you never seeing the bliss
the greatness that should be treating
You better
Not Worrying over those not worrying
over him. Or stealing his mind just because they can
So he don't know love
from the one
who trys to pore it over him.
And he is taken away like I was in the rocks falling the other way. On that lone side of the mountain was he had me with the rocks fall ing away
lost to him oh and he can't find his
way back to me to make me happy
I goes I am haunted by those facts
But I know new adventures will
find me. An then I can get off the
rocks of sadness deep with in my
flowers leaves hurt by pain inflicted
On me.
Oh that's why Like ice cream you
got me frozen off to the side you know
And others coming for me
ready to thraw me out
before my time so I melt a little each day and you see me
you say you can change this and I say
no I am but a whisper in the wind
reminding the best of the best about
my love.
And the heart break that crys from me
as I move around the earth.
Try to find another place but others
won't let me move on
To a better happiness just living
day to day with Holy Lord watching me in this pandemonium on this Sunday after Christmas on this 26th
of the holidays which are leading to
2022 Where maybe There Will be
New hmmm
© lashes