

nobody really cares...
You think and think of things which you even don't wanna think about but you still do. You torture yourself, make yourself uneasy in every possible way, punish yourself and try your hardest to polish and alter just to make sure that you belong somewhere, even when you know that's not where you truly want to be. Is it worth it? ask yourself...
You believe it or not but nobody cares. They care only because you think they care when the reality is complete opposite. sometimes try to put yourself as in same place as them. If you actually think deep you'll find out that you too actually don't care.You try to care because you think you care when you clearly don't. I know not many of us will accept this but it's the real truth. Each and every one of us have a world in ourselves and particularly own little matters to deal with so it is just impossible to care for everybody else. We surround ourselves with many people along the way but not everyone of same importance. I heard people are like seasons they come and go. Just face it. Don't lie to yourself. Ask yourself do you actually care when when your distant friend tells you that his grandpa just passed away. Aw..you don't care you can feel sorry for them but its not you care or give a shit about.You actually don't care about who died, who's having a bad day, who's depressed, who's suisidal and who's starving. Let's face it not everyone has got that huge heart, only few chosen ones. Don't complicate two things being sorry is different and genuine caring is different. You care only for the one whom you truly love, like family. Cuz if it's family then it's the real shit because there comes love and love is not an easy thing to play with. Moving on all I gotta say is just live without stressing out too much as what people has to say about you because at the end no one truly cares. Only you know and only you can take the best care of yourself. So take care and be brave.