

Marry me? (1.)

She was in a relationship,
although they had ups and downs
they had good times too.
then she started a new job where this man met her and voiced out his intentions as time went by.
In the beginning, she did not really understand why he always wanted just her to carry out the tasks at work and always made sure he kept her close.
he even drove other suitors pursuing her at work who approached him saying "I want a relationship with her" then he answered telling them to "back off because I want to marry her"
everything was so strange to her once he told her this, how could this be??
as time went on she wondered...
"You just met me,
you barely even know me
why are you so bent on taking care of
you say you love me and you don't
mind if I do not love you back
you say you do not expect anything
from me
you keep providing for me!?
I'm sorry but I do not know how to
in this current generation no body
loves without expectations
it is just normal for me to be skeptical
about your intentions
because to me,
this is the strangest thing."