

Life may seem so hard...
Things that are not even in your wildest dreams may happen...
You may lose someone...
You may think you can't love again your life.
Just keep in my mind,
That's life. That's what it does. It's gonna be tough. It's gonna make you sad.
That doesn't mean you can sulk all-day or that you can give up.
Don't you dare.
Don't you dare give up on life.
Just take a break for a day from life.
Take a nap.
Go out into nature.
Forget your worries and keep your mind blank for a minute.
Then come back.
Come back with more valour.
With more faith. More hope.
Then do something about your life.
Try again to reach your goals.
Again and again and again.
This is your life and only you can do anything about it.
You can do something about it.
Because my dear friend,
Life is a one-way bus trip and there ain't any u turns..
Live. Your. Life. To. The. Fullest.

© Dustytruck

#writco #LifeQuote #Life #writcoapp #courage #lovelife #Love&love