

I am sorry

The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'

That simple.

He did everything right till he looked back.

Everything was dark and too late. What wasn't his path came as a reminder. But like he said to me that he was fail and drown to sadness.

That day I was ignore him. I was treat him like a stranger who came with nothing. He is a person which everything he own more than enough.

Then I remember about the postman who always return one mail in an envelope. Every morning in front of my door. I always who take it and always forget that mail destination not for me.

I told Mang Karmad, "it wasn't for me."

The post man keep coming.

I was makes it became a joke but they remember all. The past walks as he came with waiting. For me at the day that thing came. I wasn't think to open it and do such an evil thing.

The package was keep came at the hand of that mailman. He said this is a chance to save other and don't you always failed to go. Doubt storming and that time I wanted to use my clear mind.

I don't wanted to say that I belief those nonsense. I thought the mailman was a demon or jinn who try to put my faith away. This nonsense keep darkening my head until I thought everything even what demon's bad deed itself say came from the what I belief as an act of God.

Did I admit it was an act of God? Yes, I admit that. I belief it, that never in this universe everything left from God's watch. Between dark and light will be a balance. That is what have God taught.

My God is Allah, in my routine pray I always remember it. Go with flow, I said in my grateful and thanks for the message. Simple but merciful.

So I go, yes never wait in wasted time. I go to the place that I should go. Retrieve the package.

It was nature called. And what we expected maybe a trouble. It can't helped, as we always sleep in dream about a good ways in tread. But the wake up called always too late to felt survive from dangerous.

Retrieving wasn't easy then received inpact also a lot of risk. I never wanted this way, the information and fact that pleased in 5sc no more than a fight to the death.

I was attempt to hold back the thing that I carries. It was a proof and also a weapon for destruction. The packages are more conflicated than I can imagine.

Two person. They waited and ready to kill person who try to retrieve the packages. I was blamed the mailman for this. But I don't get angry easily. I wasn't mad at all. I just runs and keep hold the package tight. I knows that the package was needed.

That two person was also keep runs chasin' me. They wanted the package that was for sure.

I don't care what's in it. As a long it yet to be arrived to the one who own it. I will keep, even it will cost my life.