

The Psychopath Behind me
One day, I was walking down the street as I normally do and then I meet a friend who I would always avoid to meet but this time I just felt bad since she was so lonely that I decided to give her the remaining piece of chocolate I was eating.Then we talked and talked and it was nice and fun before I knew it we were exchanging numbers and hanging out alot. When I was at home,my mum asked if I meet anyone and I told yeah but I didn't tell her who. Someone knocked at the door,hello hello,he was our new neighbor and he had a daughter who was called Megan and she was about my age but turns out it she was the friend I meet while I went shopping before and I was so happy.A few weeks later,she invited me for a sleepover at her house and when I was there we played in the garage we were not allowed to enter the rest of the house unless going to bed or the bathroom.I went to the bathroom and I accidentally slid and knocked a fake wall behind I saw a picture of Megan ,knife with blood and guns. Later that day, I couldn't sleep,I wondered all night who the next to me was?.Early morning at 7am ,I left and when I reached home. I told my mom to never let me go there again.A few weeks later, I remembered Megan my neighbor like strawberries but the Meghan I met at first never liked strawberries.So I told Megan,I never wanted to be friends any more and I made sure me and my mom moved as far as possible away from there.
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