

Love Made in Hell
Love made in hell is love, nonetheless. It is simply full of heat, danger, and sin, most of all.

Camille didn't know what she was doing at the ripe age of 18, and especially not when she impulsively decided to marry a man 12 years her senior.

Her marriage with Vince was like any others, at first. Although, the money and fame be carried with him changed everything.

She had realized that a man whose life was built on wealth and reputation was different from all the others.

There was only one reason why that man married her, it was because of her incomparable and ethereal beauty—beauty of a 19-year-old that would fade as years pass by, and it did.

At age 30, her husband 42, she had to watch Vince date girls that were at her age when she got married to him.

Year after year, she did. Until, something snapped and she decided to end it all.

Every day for the last five years, she would put more salt that required in his food. He would complain about how salty it was but his words fell on deaf ears.

Who cares? He didn't care when she was suffering next of his infidelity, why should she care about him?

And, then. It happened.

“Ma’am, your husband left no will, therefore, as his wife, all of his assets and companies, shall go to your name. Please, sign here.”

Love made in hell is love nonetheless. It just comes with more money and fame.

© Rosabella Thorne 2024