

Learn in a hard way
From the beginning of my journey as a young engineer in a certain company .I am so afraid to all my superior they seem know it all. As young with basically small knowledge given by my instructor and of course the books I have read it is too little compare to the years of extensive knowledge they've got.
Some people expect me to become a knowledgeable in all the aspect in my job but sad to say I do disappoint them. Given by the pressure they've put and belittle someone like me a fresher in this field. Too afraid to ask, Too afraid to make mistake doesn't give you the knowledge you want to acquire if you wanted to learn to the deepest.

I cannot count my embarrassment infront of all the people in my work given by someone ahead of me. Many words cut my heart into pieces "You don't know anything.Why you have to become an engineer if you don't know nothing" but I set aside my ego and pride. Accepting your weakness doesn't mean giving up and defeat follows up. It is a stepping for you to level up if you really want to.
I learn in a hard way, hardworks pay off when you don't give up and not afraid to take a risk. You can't go alone wether you like it or not, you need someone to acquire what you don't know .

Everyday I accumulate different knowledge it is a continous process aside from that with the help of my self I am able to attend seminars, reads interesting books and build up my confidence a little bit so everything change.

I know some of you are too afraid to the real world, when you graduate from college it is the start of your life the "real world"it will give you alot that you can't sometimes imagined.
Every one has their own story after college .What is your's?