

The Book 2
It's been three year's after Laura's death, I'm Nine-Teen now. It's kind of interesting to me how life can become so bad so quickly, and so good so late. I have a house now and a boyfriend, he is Twenty-One and his name is Lennard Pateo. He has made my life alot better, we actually stay in Paris now, my favorite Capitol. We had weapons for protection from him buying guns off the street, I told him about doing that but you know, can't control a man. Lennard taught me how to shoot the guns and he actually made me a master at it. The only disturbing thing that still lives with me is that book, I had the book framed and then put it up on my living room wall. Something deep down inside my heart is telling me something about that book, but I can't happen to find out what it is. I walk into the living room and find Lennard on the couch eating nacho's and wathing a football game, when I seen him doing this it reminded me of seeing dad, all heartbroken watching that football game, I told Lennard "Come to the back room with me, I'm feeling a little ya know....good right now.", so he hopped up as quick as a lightning bolt, ran up to me, and said "You wanna have sex right now!.", I could tell in his eyes that he was really ready to do all that, so I agreed. Lennard sweeped me up off my feet and ran me upstairs in his arms, I felt so protected. He took me into the bedroom and closed the door, then he put me on he bed. I said "You sure it's not gonna hurt?." then he said "I can't promise you that but if you think it's going to hurt then I'm not going to force you.", I shook my head signaling yes. He took off his shirt, my mouth started watering, until, we heard a loud boom downstairs. We both know somebody had just kicked our door in, Lennard grabbed the nine millimeter handgun off the dresser and then cocked it back as he turned off the lights quietly, he started signaling me to "shhhhhh", I was breathing hard as ever, until I had realized the he had the revolver inside the drawer. I took the revolver out the drawer and loaded it, me and Lennard could hear the men just grabbing random thing's and saying "put it in the bag!.", me and Lennard proceeded downstairs quiet as a pair of stealthy ninjas. It was three men, only one was armed, he had a automatic assault rifle, the one that I knew how to shoot, he had taken it from behind the couch. I took aim at his head with my revolver while Lennard took aim at the other robber, we both fired at the same time, hitting both of our opponents. The other guy frozed in fear with a artifact from the table in his hand, Lennard told me to go close the door and grab some rope. I did what he ask and then he had tied the dude to a chair, Lennard asked for his name and he said Roger. Lennard looked at me and smiled, I felt the type of evil energy he had, he told me to smack Roger with the revolver that I had. I walked up to Roger and he said "No please!, they put me up to this!, please don't hurt me!." I couldn't do it, Lennard walked up to me and tried to convince me to smack Roger with the revolver, out of nowhere a anger rose up of me and smacked the hell out of Roger with the revolver. I seen a white piece of bone sticking out of his skull, the revolver was pretty big and heavy so of course it was gonna do alot of damage. Roger went crosseyed and started breathing rapidly, I got scared and pointed the revolver at his head, and shot him. Lennard picked me up giving me a death squeezing hug, he put me back down and I felt like a fish out of water. I said "what do we do with these bodies?." then he said burn them. We had grabbed the bodies and put two in one car, and one in the other. We took the bodies to a very large field that was empty, we had brought lighter fluid and matches so we could get rid of them. We took Roger out first and when he fell on his face, the Life/Death book fell from under him. I picked it up and thought of something, In my mind I was saying "if death kills you, can life bring you back?." I had it on my mind all that day. We had burned all the bodies and then took a long ride back home, I picked up the book while Lennard was driving. I then took a pencil and wrote Tina's name in the book, what I seen next almost gave me a HEART ATTACK!.