

On His Dying Bed
He began to bump the traffic at a high-speed level with his car, he was unconscious and no pulse was heard. Did he survive? He probably did not. Why should he after breaking my heart leaving me to the curbs. I wish he would lost his limbs as I lost my love, I wish he would be motionless even as I'm stuck in love, I wish he would be terrified as the thought of love now strikes fear in my heart.

My life is now drudgery, holidays cease to give me pleasure, he hounds me wherever I go. I can't escape his oppressing grasp on my heart. He is miles away from me but, more cruel than any slave drivers. He whips my thoughts into such a frenzy that my inner spring mattress becomes a rack of torture.

I hope on his dying bed he would reminisce on the pain and suffering he had put me through, then and only then may he rest in the abode of Almighty.

© omojura_bela