

Once upon a time...
It was a dark and spooky night. It was all quiet. Only the howls of the wolves were heard. I was walking down that very hill, which was the most dangerous one of the thirteen hills. She couldn't feel anything suspicious. Oh, but there was something that was bad around d that area. She knew it, but it didn't feel like it. All of a sudden She stopped and waited. She heard no sound, after she held my breath, of course. She continued to walk, but she didn't feel that safe there. She began to run. The moon was all red that day. She ran even faster. She heard a voice. "I'm coming for you..."

She stopped again. She panted. She looked up at the blood moon. What was coming for her? Then she felt so someone hold her hand. She wanted to look back but couldn't. If she did, then it could be over for her. She closed her eyes and froze with all her might. It was still there. She finally looked back to see a person, which looked like her. She didn't have a twin sister or anything, so that should've been her imagination. But it wasn't. "I am your greatest nightmare", it said. Yes, she was scared of what she could do back then. All those dangerous things she could've done at some point of time. "Really?" she said. It disappeared. It wasn't over though. Something pulled her to the edge of the cliff of the mountain she was on. Sarah fell.

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