

First and Last
Plans were being made left to right, laughs were shared and we danced without a care. Holding hands and tripping over ourselves like we had all the time in the World. Our smiles never leaving our faces long and when it did the other would crack a joke and we'd be nothing but giggles. We never knew when to be serious, sharing secret looks and goofy gestures between ourselves. Our parents always saying we were in our own little World. Never staying composed when the other was into trouble, always teasing one another.
I've become aware now. That those plans set out for me, that I sat down and planed with them, we're only my way of putting them at ease. Those laughs I laughed so hard was because I knew I would be missing more moments like these. I held them closer as we danced as a silent 'goodbye' forever left unsaid. The smiles on their faces will forever be engraved in my mind. And those goofy times, and secret looks, and playful teasing will be my 'happiest moments'. Our Worlds bubble will pop, but know all the time I've spent with all of you will forever be replaying.

Even as I'm dying.

© Akki42