

journey to the settled systems journal entry2,
"I woke up today to the humming of the ship's engines. Damn, they can be a pain, but apparently, you don't even realize it's even there after a while. Had breakfast and a chat with the other crew today; they seem to be a pretty friendly bunch. After that, there was a meeting on where our first stop is in the settled systems, which is a mining colony. I'll just be happy to make a few credits to get me properly on my feet. Also discussed was just after Yule, that as long as we have all our prep work done and we go ahead with it, we can go back into cryo for the rest of the journey, which sounds good to me. I mean, we're close to the end of 2328, so a full year in cryo and rest to me sounds good. But yeah, I need to get this day started; things need to be fixed. It's going to be another long day, even out here in space, it's hard to keep track of days, nights, and time. (End of Journal entry 2)"
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