

A kinder Britain is possible
There are days that are blue, sunny, warm, kind and fun; But there are also grey-blue, white-blue, very grey, less than they seem but also more content than they seem days. Why is it so difficult for people to enjoy and celebrate both? There is still sun when it’s cold too- there wouldn’t be daytime without it. Why are there so many people still so unhappy? Why are there so many people complaining?

Why does reality need to be like the movies, when reality is what the movies should be inspired by?

The UK is grey, but it is not always grey; The countryside is plenty and the puddles muddy. But there are also clear, dry paths, even when it’s cold. There are sunflowers in the fields and there is tall grass and short grass. There are trees that resemble one another but look nothing alike. There are large logs to sit on when you want to rest. There are kind people on the path and off the path who smile and wish you well, they are happy and alone, but they are also with people who they love and their dogs too; Who run in swirls to catch their own tail and play with the squirrels loading their favourite tree with food they’ve collected from their daily forage.

The cities are many and the culture diverse. The nationalities of the people living within the cities is even more diverse. There are people in the pub with their families enjoying a Wetherspoons lunch; Both inside and outside even when rain is pouring and the sun is behind the grey clouds, on a colder, shorter day, which is still plenty and wholesome to enjoy. You can hear people enjoying their own solitude and the connection they have with the people they love both within and outside of their community. The football is on the TV in the background but it is not always on the TV; There isn’t always a TV for sports in the pub. But there is women’s football also streaming on the TV in pubs because they are also loved and winning their own sport.

The rivers are grey, but they are also filled with minerals and rocks and soil. They are also blue-grey and there are many people who still swim in them, even when there is traffic. They call it happy, free time in the water that is just as fun as the beach; White, yellow, pebbles, sand, concrete and gravel; Muddy toes and boats that cruise along with flowers, nicknames that are unique and quirky and people who still like to say hello and wish swimmers a lovely day. They’ve also shared a joke about the weather and the politics and spoken passionately about the NHS.

The people are real, the people are different, the people are playing their own style of music- not just hip hop, indie, pop, rap and R&B. They’re also playing afrobeats, reggae, dancehall, rock n roll, heavy metal, folk, blues, jazz and contemporary, alternative, all styles of music. The music is similar but also changes between venues and between different peoples homes. People dress how they like- not just with fashionable and branded clothing; But also in unique, comfortable, edgy, retro, quirky and eccentric clothing; That has been seen many and plenty in the 1910’s, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s, 2010’s and 2020’s. I’ve seen many and plenty of community and high street trends, then I travel and find many and plenty of city trends; Then I look around whilst on my phone and find many and plenty of new global trends. Still- no look is the same and no person is the same either.

The women are strong, they look out for one another and they are not afraid to tell men to fuck off. Not everyone is welcoming of that; But the women do not care and they choose themselves and their own lives. The women stand their ground and celebrate themselves and one another, as they should be able to in peace and with respect from others, especially men.

No city is the same, no demographic is the same either; There is always plenty of space; But the space is not always safe, welcoming, accessible, inspired by reality and what love and happiness really means to people; Instead it is manipulated by capitalisers who want people to believe their abusive narrative of what love and happiness is, which they can only experience if they have money, more importantly.

The NHS is national and free; People do not have to pay for the healthcare that they deserve to have; But politicians, patriarchs and capitalists do not want many people to have what they really do deserve. So people aren’t always well, even when they’re told that there is still nothing wrong with them.

The people who are much older are angry at people who are much younger. The people who are majority male do not want love without their patriarchs approval; They expect women to be subservient and there are a lot of women now who choose the bear, globally. They choose to be feminist because they choose themselves, according to statistics 42-54% of women and girls in the UK population call themselves feminists whilst 24% of men and boys will call themselves feminist. The statistics of people who identity as feminists is significantly higher in the younger generation compared to the older generation even though the Tories want to force them, their children and grandchildren into national service; Instead of calling for a ceasefire in Palestine and ending the war and hate.

The houses for people disadvantaged by classism are enshrined in capitalism, poverty and sexism; Women with and without children are at much higher rates homeless and forced to live in shelters compared to men without children. Women are more likely to be forced to remain living in tower blocks and poor quality housing with and without children; Women are at higher rates less likely to be able to apply for social housing to live alone unless they have a disability, just not anxiety and depression; Even then they are more likely to be on the waiting list for a longer period of time whilst statistics have shown men of all ages are at higher rates more likely to be provided housing for themselves to live alone in both housing association and council homes; Whilst also being able to work full time in high paid jobs with the pay gap better supporting them whilst still exploiting and depending on women’s unpaid labour.

The mortgaged homes are only for the much older of society and the wealthy men from overseas; Who want to make it even more difficult for people in the UK to afford to live healthily, happily and with their own choices. The mortgaged homes are only for people who have families with multi-generational wealth who are also angry that their life savings have to be spent on buying themselves a place to live; Whilst they also bully and complain about people in poverty who will never have the chance to own a home in their lives, or their children’s lives; Who will also not have the chance to own their own home because they are at increased risk of also living in poverty due to the austerity, capitalism, discrimination, misogyny and patriarchy that politicians and ‘leaders’ refuse to reduce throughout the UK. They also have limited choice and are at increased risk of being forced to live in cold, damp, dark and overcrowded homes; Even though they work the full time work week and have the same level of education, but could also have even better education and prospects and still never qualify for a mortgage because they do not have a guarantor.

British education is renowned and diverse, high pressured and dynamic. But the uniforms are dull, the creative subjects are limited and the additional ‘temporary’ sheds being educated in are insufficient. There is classism everywhere and patriarchy and discrimination and misogyny and capitalism and austerity, but there is limited time spent in nature and even less being educated about nature; Including feminism and the female body. There are no plants in or on buildings; But there are designated spaces filled with short grass and a few trees and hedges.

The life and colour of the communities I’ve lived in and known have been oppressed, stolen, hijacked and squeezed into centralised industrial accumulated buildings called shopping centres. The buildings are pale brown, stone and grey, unkept, and the archeological footprint of unique evolution has been monetised and placed into ‘communities’ for the wealthy minority- for locals to be reminded that they are tourists to their own history, as well as their ancestral history; For the benefit of the modernised patriarchy, which is exploiting the culture and life that they themselves have not lived and were never able to live but wish that they could have been part of.

The British character is the most controversial; There are some who want the royals to remain and there are more who would like them to be abolished; Especially when they learn about the princes trust and the christian fair bridge society, as well as the involvement of prince andrew with epsteins island. They’ll learn that the princes trust which was created by King Phillip and Queen Elizabeth II, had made false promises to, exploited and trafficked thousands of single mothers and their children throughout the UK, to create white supremacy in commonwealth countries, Australia, South Africa, Canada and Ireland; To maintain a patriarchy throughout the UK.

They’ll also learn that the women and children had all of their personal belongings and finances stripped from them; Before they were separated, isolated and enslaved throughout the 20th century, before, during and following the war; Even in the 1990’s and 2000’s. Margaret Dupre and her children who were from Leigh-on-sea in Essex, had a comfortable lifestyle; Margaret relocated to Australia so that she could improve the health of her daughter India Dupre. But she was lied to by her family doctor, by the fair bridge society and by Australian authorities who enslaved them all as soon as they arrived in Australia. Margaret Dupre eventually tricked Australian authorities, who held her captive, and her children separately captive, and took them with her across the Australian desert to the east of Australia to seek refuge. She was rejected from society and forced to live in a tent and was still being searched for by Australian authorities and the fair bridge society to be enslaved again. She became a famous ‘pin up’ model and icon across the Gold Coast and eventually migrated to the USA with her daughter India who won a national talent show and music contract. She was never apologised to. A formal apology was not provided from all commonwealth countries until they were exposed in 2010. The UK included.

The people they enslaved were also white; They were people who were and who were not living in poverty, who were northern but who were also a majority from east end London and Essex. The patriarchy did not include apologies for the trafficking and genocide of the indigenous population of men, women and children from the colonised nations and the surrounding island nations.

There are 26 bishops of the christian faith who have 26 protected seats in the House of Commons parliament; They are able to vote in parliament on every proposed legislation and law. They campaign against feminism and women’s rights to their own body; Abortion, same sex marriages, assisted suicide, reproductive health, and campaigns to end violence against women, girls and children. Feminists are the only people campaigning to abolish the bishops from parliament because they do not represent the democratic society of the UK, or the multicultural beliefs of people in the UK. The rate of conviction of rapists is still 1% nationally because the laws do not support women and girls. The UK is a wealthy country. The weather is grey at times but the weather is not what makes the UK dangerous and so many people unhappy. Even when the sun is out, the capitalistic, misogynistic, patriarchal, classist, discriminative and oppressive system is the major cause, but never accountable.

There is so much diversity and multi-culturalism throughout the UK. There is so much opportunity for progression and for people to have roots in a place that they would be proud to call their home; In a school that they would be proud to have educate them; With an education that encourages them to love themselves and does not lie; In communities that they are happy in, without segregation, discrimination, violence, misogyny, racism and abuse; In communities that are funded sufficiently, to have innovative, dynamic, progressive and modern healthcare, education, police, protection, security, leisure, restaurants, nature, architecture, shops, scenery and entertainment for people of all ages. In a community where people respect each other; Who are able to find their own kind of happiness; Their own kind of beautiful; Their own kind of love; Their own kind of community within an already kind community even when the weather is cold, raining and grey.

© Lois Christina