

Oddity in a little town
Most people thought Adam was simple. As simple as the clothes he wore to work, church or at home. If you were new to town, eager residents would direct you towards this dark haired man with a sullen look on his face and say,"Bet you can't hold a conversation with that one". He drove a Mini, compared to the ubiquitous Porsches that flew around on high speed in his affluent neighborhood. He did not see the need to get a Christmas tree on the holiday, talked only when necessary,if at all. No relationship with the other sex, except when the female grocer was taking too much time in checking his purchases.So when, one hot afternoon, a neighbor saw a black blonde figure walking with a familiar slouch towards the Thomases residence, he assumed Adam had gone too far with the dye and resumed his position on his lounge chair. Sergeant Fey also saw this seemingly Adam-like apparition on his way back from the precinct. So when the men of the town gathered in the local bar, the main topic was Adam's doppelganger. Who was he? His brother perhaps?"Maybe he dyed too much"Fey belched out suddenly. This observation was met with much approval, until evening when Adam himself came to the bar for a drink. His hair was very much jet black as it had been. This was lost on Callaghan,the bar jester and town comedian. He set his drink very definitively in front of Adam and quipped" Drink up, Justin Bieber"eliciting racuous laughter from the men and a puzzled expression from the man himself. Seeing no visible reaction, Callaghan pressed on."How did you get it off so fast?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh nothing.. just peroxide poisoning poor keratin cells"Less laughter greeted this quip. Ignorance or just plain boredom quelled the amusement.Adam, none the wiser, took his drink and left. Callaghan,a little hurt,vowed to find out what this boy was hiding. However, the next day when a black blonde man walked into the bar,,30 curious eyes swivelled toget a better view of the new Adam. To say he was tall was an understatement ;He was lean like Adam,same brown eyes.He had Adam's Roman nose and the same bushy eyebrows. He was built like the man to the dirty sneakers he was wearing. So who was he?